First Nation citizens urged to come to important education meeting on Monday afternoon in Sudbury

People from: Michipicoten, Mississaugi, Wahnapitae, Atikameksheng Anishinawbek, Nipissing, Henvey Inlet, Moose Deer Point, Whitefish River, Aundeck Omni Kaning, Sheshegwaning, Sheguiandah, Dokis, Magnetawan and Wasauksing living in the Sudbury area, are encouraged to learn more about the proposed Anishinabek Nation education agreement and the upcoming community vote happening November 28-December 2, 2016.
WHAT: Regional Education Information Session
WHERE: N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre, 110 Elm Street, Sudbury
WHEN: Monday, September 19 from 1-4pm
Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee says it’s important for Anishinabek to come hear about the benefits of the education agreement and have the opportunity to vote at this information session.
“It is time to find out about the benefits of the education agreement and mail in your ballots,” says Grand Council Chief Madahbee. “This means more per-student funding. This is for our children.”
Information about the proposed agreement with Canada, fiscal arrangements and the Anishinabek Education System can be found at
The recognition by Canada of the Anishinabek First Nations’ jurisdiction over primary, elementary and secondary education, and the funding to operate the Anishinabek Education System (AES), a stand-alone, parallel, education system, makes up the proposed education self-government agreement with Canada.
The UOI is a political advocate for 40 member communities across Ontario, representing approximately 65,000 people. The Union of Ontario Indians is the oldest political organization in Ontario and can trace its roots back to the Confederacy of Three Fires, which existed long before European contact. The Anishinabek Nation established the Union of Ontario Indians as its secretariat in 1949.