
Way-way-ni in-nayn-dum-moh-win-nun mee-gi-way-naan-ni-won ish-poh
noo-ji-yaa-gun-ni-waach kee-gons-ug.
A-say-ma a-sa-gun-ni-wi ni-bee-gaang.
Ay-mi-ji-gay-win-nun a-pah-ji-ji-gaa-tay-won.
Mee-gway-ch di-kit-toh-min kee-gons bi-maa-ti-zi-win ji-mee-ni-go-yaang.
Ki-chi mee-gway-ch ni-mee-gi-way-min kee-gons bi-maa-ti-zi-win.
A-mee-way-tush ni-naa-guch-ji-too-min way-way-ni ni-bi ka-i-zi bi-maa-ti-zi-waach.
Kee-gons-ug ki-mee-ni-go-min chi a-yaa-yung mino-mee-jim.
Kee-gons-ug ki-mee-ni-go-min chi ayaa-yung mush-koh-zee-win.
Ki-zhay Ma-ni-to o-gee pah-git-ti-naan kee-gons-ug ni-bee-kaang.
Ay-ni-zee-gong zee-beens-un ay-ni-ba-kong mi-kom ayn-dum kee-gons-ug
ma-yaa-mee-wug pah-wi-ti-kong.
Ma-kw-ug o-ta-moh-waan kee-gons-ug ka-a-mee-waach pah-wi-ti-kong.
Weengay ma-kwug shee-wa-tay-wug ay-gee-ni-baa-waach ki-bay-bi-boon.
A-mee-o-maa-tush kay Anishinaabay o-gee-on-ji-tay-bi-naan mi-no-mee-jim a-zha
ay-ni-ningi-zooch mi-kom a-yaa-tush kay goon.
Ma-kwa a-yaa-tush kay Anishinaabay mi-non-ji-gaywug ay-a-moh-waach kee-gons.
Ay-ni-nee-bing kee-gons-ug pih-ma-ta-gay-wug saa-gay-gun-neeng, a-ee-tush-kay zee-bee-sing.
Anishinaabayg ways-kuch o-gee-waa-ba-maa-waan a-sub-bi-kay-cheens ay-o-zhi-yaach a-sub-been.
A-mee-way-tush Anishinaabayg ay-on-ji-gee ki-kayn-dung chi-o-zhi-yaach a-sub-been chi tay-bin-naach kee-gons-ug.
Anishinaabayg o-gee-ki-kayn-daan-naa-waa ka-ki-na-kay-goon kee-gons bimaa-ti-si-win.
O-gee-ki-kayn-daan-naa-waa a-neen-a-peech pah-kan kee-gons-ug ay-a-mee-waach a-ee-tush-kay ay-neen-di-ma-yaam kay-i-zhi a-mee-waach, a-ee-tush-kay
a-nay-ay-in-na-goh-ching kee-sis, a-ee-tush-kay a-nay-ay-in-na-goh-ching di-bik-ki-kee-sis.
Nin-gee naa-ga-chi-too-min a-neen-ma-yaam ka-ki-na kay-goon kee-gons-ug ka-too-tum-mo-waach; kay-go-nayn ay-in-nin-ji-gay-waach; a-neen-di ay-i-zhi-a-yaa-waach
kee-gons-ug chi-a-moh-waach.
Nin-gee-ki-kayn-daa-min, a-goh-cheeng ay-a-yaa-yaang, a-zha ay-in-ni-man-zhi-gee-shi-gung; maa-gi-zoh kway-ka-ni-mun, maa-gi-zoh bin-nay-sheens-sug ki-chi-wee-si-ni-wug; a-mee-way-tush nin-gee-ki-kayn-daa-min ka-ween kee-gons-ug ta-wee-sin-ni-see-wug.
Kee-gons-ug mi-noh-poh-go-zi-wug ay-zaa-zaa-pih-ki-zoh-gun-ni-waach, ay-a-yaa-yun kee-gons a-boob a-ee-tush kay kee-gons mino-poh-ko-zi a-pohway-yun. Ayn-dum kee-gons-ug; na-may, at-tik-ka-mayg, man-za-may-gos, o-kaans, kin-no-shay, na-may-bin, man-zih.
Anishinaabay ay-mi-chi-gay-win a-ba-chi-toon ish-poh no-chi-yuch kee-gons; mi-no-in-nayn-da-mo-win a-yaan, mee-way-tush maa-gi-zoh ki-chi kee-gons ka-tay-bi-nay.
A-mee-way bin-na-maa.
Kaan-doh no-ji-yaag kee-gons-ug.
A-kohn-ji-toon ni-bee-kaang ki-kosh-kway-bi-ji-gun.
Neen Eli Baxter
Anishinaabay Inini.
Good thoughts are given before the fish are pursued.
Tobacco is placed in the water.
Prayers are used.
We say thank you for the fish’s life that we will be given.
We give a big thank you for the fish’s life.
That is why we look after in a good manner the water where they live.
The fish give us good food to have.
Fish is given to us so that we can have strength.
The Kind Spirit placed the fish in the water.
As it becomes spring the rivers start to break up with the ice some fish spawn in the rapids.
Bears eat the fish that are spawning in the rapids.
The bears are really hungry as they had slept through the winter.
This is where also the Anishinaabayg catch the good food as the ice starts to melt along with the snow.
The bear and the Anishinaabay have a good meal as they eat the fish.
As it becomes summer the fish swim in the lakes and in the rivers.
Along time age the Anishinaabayg saw the spider as it makes the net.
That is why Anishinaabayg knew how to make the net to catch the fish.
Anishinaabayg knew everything about the life of fish.
They knew when the different kinds of fish spawned and exactly where they spawned and knew where the sun was positioned and where the moon phases were.
We kept a watch on exactly everything about the fish behaviour; what they ate; where the fish are so that they could eat them.
We knew, as we were outside, when bad weather was going to happen; maybe the wind was changing; maybe the birds were really eating; so we knew that the fish were not eating.
Fish taste when they are fried, when you have fish soup and fish taste good when you smoke them over the fire. Some of the fish are; sturgeon, whitefish, trout, pickerel, pike, sucker, catfish.
Anishinaabayg use a prayer before you get the fish; have good thoughts, maybe you might catch a big fish.
That is all for now.
I will get fish.
Have your rod in the water.
I am Eli Baxter.
Anishinaabay Man