Bin-nay-sheens-ug i-zhi-say-wug sha-won-nong.
Shee-shee-bug a-zha-maa-chee-say-wug.
Ni-kug pih-mi-say-wug ka-i-zhi-gee-shi-tayg.
Way-wayg kay-ween-a-waa i-zhi-say-wug sha-won-nong.
Maan-goog kay-ween-a-waa ta-noo-ji-ji-gay-wug sha-won-nong.
Keen-na-wind tush kaa-mush-ka-waa-koh-ji-min ki-bay-bi-boon o-maa.
Mi-ti-goog a-nee-beesh-un min-noh-shi-noon
Mis-koh a-nee-beesh-un aa-tay-won.
O-zaa-waa a-nee-beesh-un aa-tay-won.
Kos-man-in-naan-day a-nee-beesh-un aa-tay-won.
A-zash-ki in-naan-day a-nee-beesh-un aa-tay-won.
Pung-ee ay-ta ta-i-zhi-say ji-i-zhi-i-naa-goh-zi-waach.
Ta-kaa-yaa-zayg mi-ti-goog ta bin-naa-gwee-wug.
A-ji-nah ay-ta ta-a-goh-jin-noh-wug mi-ti-gong.
Ta-ki-chi-noo-tin-i-say, a-nee-beesh-un ta-bung-i-si-noon.
Moh-ta-ga-mig ta-a-tay-won.
Bi-naa-kwi-gee-sis a-goh-chin.
A-mik pah-goh-bee.
A-mik pih-maa-ta-gay.
A-mik ka-way-i-gay.
O-ta-mohn a-za-teen.
A-sun-ji-gay o-za-tee-mun ka-i-zhi-taach.
A-mee-way o-mee-jim ki-bay-bi-boon.
Ay-ni-ta-ka-yaag a-mik kee-zee-ta ka-ki-na-gay-goon ch-tay-bi-zaych
Ni-bi a-ni-ta-ki-ka-min.
Chee-gi-beeg mi-kom a-bi.
A-mik ki-chi-a-no-kee.
A-zha ta-gwo-gohn.
Naa-bay-yaag monz-oog o-ta-yaa-naa-waa oshki daysh-kan ay-ta-gwo-gohn-nik.
Bih-mi-wih-too-wug oshki daysh-kan-ni-waan o-ki-cheen-nayn-daan-nah-waa.
Mee-kaa-zoh-wug chi ki-kayn-dum-moh-waach a-way-nayn maa-wuch kaa-mush-ka-wih-zeech.
A-mee-way o-way-ti kaa-kash-ki-ji-gaych noh-zhay-yaag.
Ays-koh kash-ki-ji-gay-waach naa-bay-yaag o-dayssh-kan-ni-waan pah-ko-ji-say-won.
A-mee-way-tush ka-ween ki-kayn-da-zee-min a-way-nayn naa-bay-yaa,
non-zhay-yaa monz.
Ki-bohn-ni-yaa-naa-nug pin-na-ma chi a-yaa-waach o-nee-chan-ni-si-waan.
Mee-gim ki-ti-gan-ning peen-dig at-ji-ga-tay-won.
Ish-koh-tay mi-ti-goog ahn-da-waa-ba-maa-gun-ni-wug.
Mi-ti-goog ay-ta ka-pangi-zi-waach o-taa-pih-naa-gun-ni-wug.
Keesh-ki-zoh-gun-ni-wug a-goh-cheeng ka-i-zhi-taan-ni-wong.
Taa-taash-ki-gay-naan-ni-won ish-koh-tay mi-ti-goh-sun.
Way-way-ni a-ji-kaa-tay-won a-goh-cheeng.
An-dum been-dig a-ji-kaa-tay-won chi a-ba-ji-ji-kaa-tay-gun.
Ish-koh-tay-gan-ning a-ji-ka-tay mi-shi.
A-nee-beesh-a-boh a-kik ay-moosh-koh-naych a-saa-gun-ni-wih ish-koh-tay-gan-ning.
A-na-koh-na o-zhi-yaa-gun-ni-wih.
Kay-koh ki-chi-say-kis-si-kayn.
Ki-ta-yaa-waan-naan a-na-koh-na.
Neen Eli Baxter
Anishinaabay Inini
It is beginning to be fall.
It is getting cold.
The birds fly south.
Ducks already flew away.
Geese fly to where it is warm.
Snow geese also fly south.
Loons will also be in the south.
We will be here freezing all winter long.
Tree leaves are beautiful.
Red leaves are present.
Yellow leaves are present.
Orange leaves are present.
Brown leaves are present.
It will only be a short while for them to look like that.
When it suddenly turns cold the trees will shed their leaves.
Only for a little while they will hang on to the trees.
There will be a big wind; the leaves will fall.
On the bare ground they will be.
This is the time of the shedding moon.
The beaver goes into the water.
The beaver is swimming.
The beaver chops down trees.
It eats popular trees.
It stockpiles its popular tree where it lives.
This is its food all winter long.
When it gets cold the beaver gets ready with everything that it needs
for the whole winter.
The water is getting cold.
Along the shore the ice is there.
The beaver works really hard.
It is fall.
Male moose have new antlers in the fall.
They carry their new antlers proudly.
They fight to know who is the strongest.
This is the one who falls in love with the female moose.
After they fall in love the male antlers come off.
This way we don’t know who the male and female moose are.
We leave them alone until they have their young.
Food from the garden is taken inside.
Fire wood trees are searched.
Trees that are dry are taken.
They are cut outside where you are living.
They are chopped; the firewood.
They are stacked outside.
Some are taken inside to be used.
Into the stove the wood is placed.
Fire is being made.
A tea kettle full of water is placed on the stove.
Bannock is being made.
Do not panic.
We have bannock.
That is all for now.
See you.
Neen Eli Baxter
Anishinaabay Inini