Fort William First Nation signs historic GTP Settlement Agreement with Canada

Fort William First Nation Chief Peter Collins

FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION (December 22, 2016)–Please join Fort Williams First Nation (FWFN) Chief and Council and Canada’s Lead Negotiator on the Grand Trunk Pacific (GTP) file for the initialing of the GTP settlement agreement in the FWFN Council Chambers on December 23, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.  Following this important step, the agreement will be ratified by the community with a vote. The Grand Trunk Pacific Claim is the single largest railway expropriation from an Indian reserve in the history of Canada.  In 1905, pursuant to the Railway Act, Canada expropriated over 1,600 acres of land from Fort William First Nation for a terminus for the GTP Railway.  GTP took over the entire Mission site on the Kamininstiqua River.  Every home, farm, the church, and even the graveyard had to be relocated.  About half of FWFN members relocated to Squaw Bay and the other half to the Mountain Village.  GTP later went bankrupt and the terminus was never completed.  In 1920, the rail line was taken over by Canada and the Mission land was given to Canadian Nation (CN) Railway Company.  In 1999, through direct negotiations with CN, the FWFN Development Corporation regained ownership of about 1,100 acres of the Mission Land.

  • Media Interviews and photo opportunities will take place, immediately following the remarks from FWFN Chief and Canada’s Negotiator.


  • Chief Peter Collins FWFN
  • FWFN Councillors
  • Ian Bannon-Director of Lands & Property Management-FWFN
  • Tina Morriseau-Lands Administrator
  • Ken Ogima-CEO-FWFN
  • Michael Strickland-Buset & Partners LP. -FWFN Legal
  • David Snowdon-Negotiator, Specific Claims Branch-INAC

WHERE:            FWFN Council Chamber-90 Anemki Drive, 2nd Floor

WHEN:            Friday December 23, 2016 @ 1:30 p.m.