Statement from Beausoleil Youth Council on the signing of the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement

Statement on the Signing of the Historic Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement
BEAUSOLEIL (Aug.17, 2017) – The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council welcomes the historic signing of the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement. This is an important first step in moving out from under the Indian Act and assuming control over our collective destiny.
Deputy Youth Chief Lance Copegog was in attendance at the signing ceremony with Chief Mary McCue-King of Beausoleil First Nation. He witnessed the signing of both the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement (ANEA) and Master Education Agreement (MEA).
The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council commends The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, The Honourable David Zimmer, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, and The Honourable Mitzie Hunter, Minister of Education, for their commitment to a renewed nation-to-nation relationship. The signing of the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement is indicative of their commitment to true reconciliation.
Furthermore, the Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council recognizes the hard work of the Union of Ontario Indians, particularly Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee and Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare, for their tenacity in achieving this agreement. The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council also acknowledges the countless other individuals who worked so hard to achieve a better future for the children and youth of the Anishinabek Nation.
The members of the Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council are highly appreciative of the fact that the electorate voted in favour of adopting the Anishinabek Education System. This choice will affect meaningful change and progress in our education system.
The signing of the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement is a major step towards achieving self-determination. The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council remains committed to working with its partners to affect change in our communities and across Canada.