Treaty education books for elementary students to be launched during Treaties Recognition Week at Shawanosowe School

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (Nipissing FN) Nov. 2, 2017 – The Anishinabek Nation has produced two new elementary books on treaties that will be launched during the kick-off to Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario.
“Alex Shares his Wampum Belt” and “Dakota Talks about Treaties” will help students understand the importance of treaties.
WHAT: Two new books: Alex Shares his Wampum Belt and Dakota Talks about Treaties
WHO: Honourable David Zimmer, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation; Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee, Whitefish River First Nation Chief Shining Turtle, author/educator Kelly Crawford, illustrator Donald Chretien, designer of the LEGO Treaty of Niagara wampum belt, Alex Hebert; student who attended 250th anniversary of the Treaty of Niagara, Dakota Bellissimo
WHERE: Shawanosowe School, 321 Maple Heights Rd, Birch Island, ON P0P 1A0 Google Maps
WHEN: Monday, November 6 at 10 am