Beausoleil First Nation youth to hold election

Beausoleil youth council to hold election this June.

CHRISTIAN ISLAND (JANUARY 24th, 2018) — Youth Chief Terra Roy and Deputy Youth Chief Lance Copegog of the Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council (BFNYC) have released the following statement regarding the calling of a General Youth Council Election in June 2018:

“The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council has called for a General Youth Council Election to take place in June 2018. As this will be the first time that the community’s youth cast their ballots for elected leaders, this election will be particularly historic. This will coincide with Chief and Council’s election, as well as other elections taking place for First Nations leadership.

“For Beausoleil First Nation, it is incredibly important that youth are involved in the decisions that affect our community. We want to ensure that they develop the skills necessary to be leaders and good role models. This election will allow the community’s youth to demonstrate their leadership skills and to put their names forward as candidates in this election.

“We have developed a custom election policy and procedures, which is relevant to our culture and our community. This will guide how the Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council conducts its elections.

“This election will see a new Youth Chief and Deputy Youth Chief elected. Five seats for the position of Youth Councillor will also be open.

“We look forward to seeing who the youth of Beausoleil First Nation will elect as their next representatives.”