Pike fishing derby a success for Sagamok Eagles Tykes team

Pixie Piercey holding her 9 oz Pike with her dad Max. Mark Eshkakogan has the Pike on the scale.

By Leslie Knibbs

SAGAMOK ANISHNAWBEK –  For the second year, Mark and Colleen Eshkakogan of Sagamok Anishnawabek First Nation organized a fundraising Pike Fishing Derby to help finance a trip to the Little NHL (LNHL) for the mighty Eagles tyke hockey team.  The 23 children going this year are aged under six years.  Two tyke teams from Sagamok are travelling to the LNHL in Mississauga later this year along with five bench staff including manager Michelle Toulouse who assisted the Eshkakogan’s in organizing the event held on Jan 20 at Little LaCloche Lake.
     Under a clear blue sky, over 50 adults took part in the derby with 21 children trying for the “big one”. There was no shortage of smiles on the children’s faces as they made their way from their fishing holes to the weight scale manned by Mark Eshkakogan.  Entry fee to the derby was $25 for adults and $10 for children, each participant had two fishing holes in the ice.
     “We raised quite a bit of money for the trip to pay for rooms and meals for the parents and children,” said Michelle Toulouse.  According to Toulouse, last year about 70 people from the community supporting the Eagles went to the tournament.  In addition to the entry fee, parents raised funds by selling freshly cooked chili and scone dogs as well as a delicious homemade chicken and dumpling soup to take the chill off for those attending the derby.  Around lunchtime several vehicles drove up and just like a drive thru, many picked up a hot lunch from the ladies before getting on with their day.
       “The event would not be successful without the help of the parents, grandparents and Mark and Colleen Eshkakogan for making this happen,” Toulouse said. 
     Earlier in the year, Toulouse and others raised $2,000 for the Tyke teams’ trip selling 200 envelopes of five tickets each where the winner had to match the last three numbers of their ticket with the Encore number on the Lotto Max to win a $1,000 prize.  The Sagamok Anishnabek Band Office gifted each team attending the tournament with a cheque for $5,000.
     Major sponsors for the event included community minded businesses Massey Rona Building Supplies, Mukwa Adventures, Riverview Variety and others.  Parents and Grandparents of players also participated in sponsorship.
     Last year the Sagamok Eagles Tykes team made it to the quarter finals.  This year the tyke games will be held on half the ice surface making it easier for the very young players, and there will be no score keeping according to Toulouse.  “This year everyone wins,” she said.  “There’s nothing better than awarding praise and acclaim for efforts as well as achievement. Encouragement goes a long way.”
     As is the case with Sagamok community events like this, there were many stories told and a whole lot of socializing with old friends and new ones.  Sagamok Elder and former Chief Nelson Toulouse was on hand as well as Sagamok member Dan Townsend — both great storytellers. 
     And there will be plenty of stories to tell by both the young and old participants from this year’s derby.  Theodore Eshkakogan will get the “bragging rights” for taking first place in the adult’s division with a pike weighing in at 2 lbs 2 oz and a prize of $500., Craig Poloko tied second place with Greg McGregor, both with pike weighing in at 2 lb 1 oz, each winning $160.  In the kid’s division Brady Francis won with a pike weighing 1 lb 6 oz for a $150 prize, Vilena Toulouse took second prize with a pike weighing 1 lb 3 oz winning $50. While Hayden Prevent followed in third place with a 9 oz pike winning $20.  The event added another $1000 to the coffers for the Eagles’ trip to the LNHL this year.