Kinoomaadziwin Education Board elects new executive

Sudbury, Ontario – On January 23, 2018, the Kinoomaadziwin Education Body (KEB) elected a new board and executive at a 23 Participating First Nations meeting.
“I am looking forward to working with this new board and executive,” expressed Catherine Pawis, newly acclaimed Chair of the KEB. “The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body has a lot of important work ahead of us.”
The new executive of the Kinoomaadziwin Education Body board include Catherine Pawis (Chair), Lisa Michano (Co-Chair), Lauri Hoeg (Treasurer) and Evelyn Ball (Secretary). The KEB board at large includes Elaine Stewart, David Shawanda, Janice Cada, Judy Desmoulin, Marianna Couchie, Nichole King, Vicki Ware and Jeanne Naponse.
In addition to a new board and executive, the 23 Participating First Nations supported a change to the KEB board structure including a staggered board structure and adjusting the term of office to three years. “This will allow for continuity and more time for board members to contribute to the Anishinabek Education system at the board level,” noted Kelly Crawford, Director of Education, Kinoomaadziwin Education Body.
The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body will continue efforts to meet the target effective date of April 1, 2018, which includes the system start-up activities in cooperation with the Participating First Nations. February 27th to 28th provides an opportunity to build relationships and set collective priorities at the annual February Forum. Participants will include members from the 23 PFNs, school boards, Ontario and Canada. A key priority for the KEB is ensuring the youth voice is including in the collective priorities.
The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body (KEB) is a not-for-profit corporation that the Anishinabek First Nations approved by Grand Council Resolution in 2010. The KEB has a 12-member Board of Directors that is comprised of representatives from the four Anishinabek Regional Education Councils. The KEB will support Participating First Nations (PFN) in their delivery of education programs and services. The KEB will liaise with the Province of Ontario on education matters when the Anishinabek Education System is operational.
For more information, contact:
Kelly Crawford
Director of Education
Kinoomaadziwin Education Body