Signing of Set Aside with Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek and Ministry of Transportation
BIINJITIWAABIK ZAAGING ANISHINAABEK—On April 20, 2018, Chief Melvin Hardy of Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay First Nation), the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and TeraNorth signed a contract for a culvert rehabilitation project.
This opportunity has come about through a pilot program with the MTO, Regional Grand Chief Pierre Pelletier and the Northern Superior Regional Leadership Council. The Pilot program in which a Transportation Project Officer (Tammy Hill) was hired for the objective of helping to grow capacity, promote economic development opportunities with on going exchange of information and discussion relating to contract opportunities specific to transportation infrastructure in the Region and help procure work through the First Nations and MTO.
This opportunity will help BZA (Rocky Bay) build capacity within the First Nation and build partnerships for upcoming projects in the future. This is a positive step towards bridging the gap between Government agencies and the First Nations.