Letter to the editor: a letter from Aylesbury Public School class 2/3

Aylesbury Public School’s Grade 2/3 class writes letter to Enbridge Inc., a Canadian multinational energy transportation company based in Calgary, Alberta, upon reading the book, The Water Walker.

Dear Enbridge,

We are class 2/3 from Aylesbury Public School. We want to tell you about the Great Lakes pipeline.

We read a book called The Water Walker. It’s about saving the water. Joanne Robertson walked a lot to save the water that she broke her knees and now she has metal knees. When we read the book, we saw a picture of the pipeline leaking oil. Al of us felt bad for the water. We are requesting you to fix the pipeline. You should fix the pipeline because all the animals are dying of the leaking oil. If the pipeline breaks and takes out oil you might drink the water and the water is contaminated by oil and you might harm yourself. it is also bad because land animals drink out from the lake and they might get oil in their mouth. We brush our teeth and we wash with lake water. The water is dirty so we will get sick.

Use flexible material to fix the pipeline. Build the pipeline over ground not underground because if it gets broken, you can see it better and fix it.

I hope we convinced you and you will listen to us.


The students from Class 2/3