Letter to the Editor: Anishinabek Nation leader questions safety of First Nation citizens in Thunder Bay

Chief Warren Tabobondung from Wasauksing First Nation says “we stand in solidarity with Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler of Nishnawbe Aski Nation and all of the citizens of NAN and Treaty 3”. Chief Tabobondung made this statement in the wake of the report which was released last Wednesday by the Office of the Independent Police Review. It has been alleged for some time that systemic racism exists within the Thunder Bay Police force.

According to Chief Robin McGinnis of Rainy River First Nation, as quoted in the Toronto Star, the “inefficiencies” related to police investigation into Indigenous persons’ deaths, have to be held to account.

Chief Tabobondung and the council of Wasauksing First Nation, supports the adoption of the 14 recommendations made by the OIPRD, including the implementation of an “external peer-review process”.

In a statement to The Star, Julian Falconer, lawyer for a family from Rainy River, said the two-year investigation and report is “the most unequivocal recognition of racism across a police service that I have ever witnessed in my work.”

Gerry McNeilly, director of the police review panel, recommends that a number of sudden death cases be reopened due to inadequate investigation.


Vincent Chechock

Wasauksing First Nation