A message from the Superior Region Youth Representative for the Anishinabek Nation Youth Council

Niin Alexei Beauclair nindizhinikaaz. Fort William niindoja, mukwa doodem. I am 22-years-old. I have been a part of the Powwow Trail since I could first walk. My parents were keepers of the Fort William Traditional Drum, and I grew up in a traditional way. I am proud to be able to say I bead, sing at the big drum, dance and hunt and clean my own moose, and partridge.
I have always been extremely proud to be Anishinaabe. Both of my parents have always participated in cultural events, and I grew up that way. Throughout school, I found I was always a protector (Mukwa). I felt the need to stand up to the bully for those who had difficulty standing up for themselves. I have always loved the saying “Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes”. In today’s political climate, I am encouraged to speak my truth, and as a woman, the political climate has encouraged me to learn more about politics, and advocacy.
I find myself in discussions often, explaining Anishinaabe inherent rights to those who don’t understand. I believe that the Canadian School system has not helped our people any, and has only graduated Canadians ignorant to our history. Ironically, since being the original people, we make up Canadian history from day one.
I am hoping that my interest in the Eshekeniijig Advisory Council will be a stepping stone for me to continue my learning and interest in Advocating for our people.

My mother, Robin Beauclair, is the Executive Assistant to the Ontario Regional Chief. Since she took this position, she has been providing me with information and learning opportunities. I recently participated in the Chiefs of Ontario “The story of our Roots, Photo Voice” project. This is where I met other participants of the OFNYPC. It was then that I knew “These were my people” and that we all were striving and moving towards the same goal of advocating for change, fairness, health and welfare for all Indigenous peoples in Canada. I am hoping to become a part of this group of strong Youth.