New name and agreement for employment and skills program

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE—Aboriginal Skills Employment and Training has a new name. The program is now known as the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program after signing a 10-year agreement with Canada on March 29.
ISET is a program for Indigenous people who are looking to improve their job skills and find employment.
“The Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program provides a First Nations approach to employment and skills development, capacity building at the local levels and skill development that is incremental on a continuum towards higher earnings,” says Anishinabek Nation Director of Labour Market Development Polly Bobiwash. “Career awareness activities with the younger generation will also be a focus under this program.”
To help meet labour market demands, ISET service delivery organizations offer a variety of employment programs and services.
Using an integrated approach, ISET will link your training needs to labour market demands, providing you with training or skills upgrading and with help finding a job.
All Indigenous people, regardless of status or location, may access its programs and services, which include trainings for skills development and employment; mentoring for high-demand jobs; targeted job coaching to Indigenous people including those with disabilities and child care support.
Locations for employment and training program service providers include:
- Anishinabek Employment and Training Services (AETS) in Thunder Bay. Serving nine First Nations in the Superior Region.
- Fort William First Nation – Employment and Training Services in Fort William, ON.
- Gezhtoojig Employment and Training Services in Sudbury, ON. Serving five First Nations in the District of Sudbury.
- Long Lake #58 First Nation – Employment and Training Services in Long Lac, ON.
- M’Chigeeng First Nation – Employment and Training Services in M’Chigeeng, ON.
- Mnidoo Mnising Employment and Training Services (METS) in Birch Island, ON. Serving five First Nations on Manitoulin Island.
- Nipissing First Nation – Employment and Training Services in Garden Village, ON (North Bay area).
- Thessalon First Nation – Employment and Training Department in Thessalon, ON.
- Whitesand First Nation – Employment and Training Unit in Armstrong, ON.