Munsee Delaware Nation celebrates 25th anniversary of Traditional Gathering

By Ian McCallum
MUNSEE DELAWARE NATION— Earlier this summer, Munsee Delaware Nation held its Annual Traditional Gathering celebrating Lunaape language and heritage.
This year was monumental as the community celebrated the 25th anniversary of the inaugural Gathering. The Gathering was well attended as visitors from different parts of Ontario, Canada, the United States and even Europe joined in on the celebrations this year.
On both days, the Gathering opened with a prayer in the Munsee language, Lunaape, by the Nalahii language teachers and students. Anushiik (Thank you) to gathering MC Gordon Sands and Arena Director Brian Hill.
The Eagle Flight Singers, an award-winning professional First Nations music ensemble based in the London, Ont., area, performed as the host drum all weekend long.
Following the Grand Entry, different dance demonstrations were held including Traditional, Shawl, Jingle and Hoop. Demonstrations were held on both days of the Gathering where Katelyn Peters, Miss Indian World 2019 Contestant was the Head Female Dancer, and Richard Snake was the Male Head Dancer.
Frazer Sundown, Indigenous Music Awards nominee and aspiring language teacher from the Oneida Nation, offered a hand drum exhibition both days where he shared Lunaape traditional songs such as the Stick Dance song, with many coming out to dance!
There were vendor tents as well as tents devoted to Munsee Delaware community history, culture and language. Saturday evening was celebrated with a community dinner and fireworks.
Xwat anushiik (Big thank you) to the Munsee Delaware community, the Gathering Committee and Chief and Council.