Grassroots Collective requests meeting, cancelled due to ceremony protocols not followed

Late January, an initial meeting between the Anishinabek Nation leadership and a concerned Anishinabek Nation citizen was agreed upon with the purpose of coming to a common understanding regarding the proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement. The meeting also included a Pipe Ceremony. As events unfolded in the following weeks, the Anishinabek Nation leadership learned that the meeting had changed into a rally with the intention of the protesters delivering a list of demands.
Anishinabek Nation leadership is guided by a Getzidjig (Elders) Advisory Council and leadership of the 39 Anishinabek First Nations. Under the advisement of the advisory council, Anishinabek Nation leadership declined to meet with the rally organizers due to ceremony protocols not being followed.
Anishinabek Nation Head Office in Nipissing First Nation is a political advocacy office with a full complementary of staff. To minimize disruption and ensure safety of staff, as well as instructors and students of the Anishinabek Educational Institute, on-site traditional teaching workshop participants and guests, protesters were welcomed individually to warm up and use the building facilities.
Miigwech to the Anishinabek Police Service for ensuring the safety of all.
Statement from the Anishinabek Nation Head Office – February 6, 2020
In 1995, the Chiefs-in-Assembly mandated the Union of Ontario Indians to commence negotiations with Canada to restore jurisdiction in several areas including governance (Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement) on behalf of the member First Nations.
The purpose of the proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement is Canada’s recognition of Anishinabek First Nations jurisdiction and law-making authority in four areas: Leadership Selection, Citizenship, Language and Culture, and the Management and Operations of Government. The proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement is an agreement being voted on by Anishinabek First Nation citizens.
First Nation citizens have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote yes or no –from February 1-29 and May 1-30, 2020, respectively. A copy of the proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement is available at member First Nations administration offices upon request. Additional information is available online at and official Anishinabek Nation social media channels, via toll-free 1-833-297-9850, or through the First Nation Communication Coordinators.
Additional Resources
Myths and Facts about the proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement
Anishinabek Nation Eshkiniijig (Youth) and Getzijig (Elders) gathered July 30 to August 1, 2019, in Baawaating Traditional Territory (Sault Ste. Marie) to learn about the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement. Watch the video and hear what they have to say about the Agreement.
Lake Huron Regional Chief Scott McLeod speaks about the proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement at the Governance Summit held January 14-16, 2020. Watch video here.
Facebook Live Q&A February 3, 2020 – watch video here.
News Release from the Grassroots Collective