‘Why We Dance’ Series: Nevaeh Pine
Everyone dances for a different reason. Some are just learning. Some feel that it’s a connection to their home and culture. Others dance for healing or to celebrate a personal triumph. And some are competitive dancers. Whatever the reason, our hearts lift up as we see them enter through the Eastern Doorway and join the circle. Pow-Wow dances are expressions of self and spirituality, history and culture. There are many different types of dances and many different styles of regalia to go with the dances. Dances tell important stories – both personal and cultural.
The Anishinabek News hopes this series brings you light and hope during these times of uncertainty, and inspiration to keep moving forward on your journey – whatever it may be; or maybe even dance.

By Nevaeh Pine, Garden River First Nation
Why do I dance?
That is a good question. It is something I feel in my heart, but I will try to put it into words. I dance because it is part of me. It is part of my path and I carry the responsibility with pride. My name is Nevaeh Pine and I am 13 years old. I am a Jingle Dress dancer from Ketegaunseebee Garden River First Nation
I started dancing at around four years old. I learned the teaching of the Jingle Dress and how it was gifted to the Ojibway Tribe. When I hear the drum and start to dance, everything else disappears, I don’t think about how I look or who is there.
I dance for healing.
I’m still learning but now that I am older, and I have a little sister, I am happy to show her the way. I carry an Eagle Fan gifted to me by my Papa Dan Pine.
I dance for my family.
I love going to powwows and the whole experience and energy.
I know that dancing will help me as I enter high school. It will keep me connected to my culture and remind me of who I am. It has given me confidence and strength. It has taught me to carry myself in a good way. It has helped me become me.
This is why I dance.