‘Why We Dance’ Series: Ethan Ingberg-Pelletier

In an effort to lift everyone’s spirit during this time where we are all staying home, the Anishinabek News did a call out on social media for dancers to submit their stories.  The summer series is called:  Why We Dance.

Everyone dances for a different reason.  Some are just learning.  Some feel that it’s a connection to their home and culture.  Others dance for healing or to celebrate a personal triumph.  And some are competitive dancers. Whatever the reason, our hearts lift up as we see them enter through the Eastern Doorway and join the circle.  Pow-Wow dances are expressions of self and spirituality, history and culture.  There are many different types of dances and many different styles of regalia to go with the dances.  Dances tell important stories – both personal and cultural. 

The Anishinabek News hopes this series brings you light and hope during these times of uncertainty, and inspiration to keep moving forward on your journey – whatever it may be; or maybe even dance.   

Ethan Ingberg-Pelletier, Fort William First Nation. – Photo supplied.

By Ethan Ingberg-Pelletier, Fort William First Nation

My name is Ethan Ingberg-Pelletier. I am eight years old and I am a Grass Dancer from Fort William First Nation. The first time I danced I was three years old at my home pow wow on ‘Anemki Wajiw’ or Thunder Mountain. I have danced in several different communities in Canada and the United States. I love dancing; it makes me feel good. When I dance, I am fearless and strong.

I love being at the pow wows watching other dancers, learning new dance moves and teachings from my Elders and just listening to the rhythm of the drums. To me, peace sounds like powwow drums because I always have a good time at the pow wows.

I love it when people watch me dance, especially my family. Anytime I am dancing I am thinking of the people I love. I hope my little sister and brother are watching me and are learning that the pow wow circle is a safe place to dance and be yourself. I love being able to dance with people of all different ages from many communities. My favourite part of the pow wow is being outside for days, dancing in the sun and under the moon.