A tribute to Joseph Tokwiro Norton

Joseph Tokwiro Norton, Grand Chief of the Mohawk Nation of Kahnawà:ke, speaks at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on April 23, 2018. He was speaking at a side event on entitled
‘Radioactive Waste and Canada’s First Nations’.

Joseph Norton was both a warrior and a peacemaker. He understood better than most that these are two sides of the same coin. He knew that a warrior spirit is needed to combat oppression and injustice in order to protect the people, safeguard the land, and respect the sacred water. Only by fighting the destructive forces of exploitation can one truly become a peacemaker – defending traditional rights, restoring the natural order and preserving it for generations to come. Joe Norton never allowed himself or others to be intimidated by seemingly invincible odds. He was determined to defend Indigenous communities from the ravages of radioactive contamination. He knew that ultimately truth and honour will prevail if we are to have a peaceful world, and he inspired others to band together to add the strength of numbers to the voices of love and compassion that are at the root of the struggle. The Grand Chief’s wisdom and leadership skills informed his words and actions. He will be sadly missed but joyfully remembered.

Gordon Edwards