Kinoomaadziwin Education Body welcomes new Director of Education

NIPISSING FIRST NATION (October 26, 2020) – The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body (KEB) is pleased to announce that a permanent Director of Education has been engaged by the Board of Directors. On November 2, 2020, the KEB will welcome Bryon Brisard to the Director of Education position.
We acknowledge the leadership and dedication of Andrea Crawford, who has occupied the Acting Director of Education role over the past year. Andrea will be taking on a modified role as the Senior Operations Manager when Bryon joins the KEB team.
Bryon will lead the KEB’s day-to-day administration and will be responsible for working with the Board of Directors to implement the Anishinabek Education System’s strategic priorities. He will serve as the main public contact and spokesperson for the organization and will represent the KEB in all professional capacities.
Bryon is a member of Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek, Robinson-Superior Treaty. His career spans over 35 years in education, during which time he has held positions as a classroom assistant, teacher, special education resource teacher, vice-principal, principal, and education officer in First Nation, publicly-funded and government systems. Bryon’s teaching experiences include Kindergarten to Grade Eight, Section-19, Alternative Education and teaching adults at Nipissing University in the Aboriginal Teacher Education Program and the Classroom Assistant Program. Aside from education, Bryon had the privilege and honour to serve as a Band Councillor and Chief for his community during the early years of his education career.
Bryon is the proud father of three grown children and Papa to two granddaughters. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, and spending time on his traditional territory in Auden and Ombabika with his mom and siblings or spending time with his partner on their island situated on Lake Nipissing.
Bryon believes in life-long-learning and is an advocate for youth. He is grateful for the patience and teachings from his grandparents and extends thanks to his Grade One teacher who gave him a chance and believed in him. He now wishes to do the same for others.
As the Director of Education for the KEB, a focus of Bryon’s role over the next few months will consist largely of relationship-building with the Participating First Nations and key stakeholders of the Anishinabek Education System.
The KEB’s upcoming membership meeting will serve as Bryon’s first KEB event in his new role. The Board of Directors looks forward to supporting his formal introductions with the leadership of the Anishinabek Education System on November 17, 2020.
The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body (KEB) is the central administrative structure for the Anishinabek Education System. The organization is lead by a 13-member Board of Directors and takes direction from the Participating First Nations. The KEB supports the implementation of educational priorities and manages education relationships with Canada and Ontario.
For additional information, please contact:
Andrea Crawford
Acting Director of Education
Kinoomaadziwin Education Body