Wiz-Tec Computing Technologies – Update on the Ontario Gas Card Changeover and New Tax Exemption Options

All of us here at Wiz-Tec are pleased to announce that the rollout of our update to the First Nations Gas Tax Rebate (FNGTR) program over to the Federal Status Card system last year was a resounding success. We were able to do an overnight transition without issues on the morning of January 1, 2020, and the system has been running smoothly for the past year. We’d like to thank all our retailers for their cooperation through this change as well as for their continued trust in us.

Improved Security and Privacy update:

To further protect retailers and their customers in regard to this program, Wiz-Tec has deployed significant updates to the security and privacy features on iPOS tax exemption systems. These updates were developed with the standards used by banking institutions and the system is now one of the most advanced and secure systems in Canada for First Nations tax exemption transactions. These increased security measures mean that sensitive INAC information is neither stored nor transmitted by the retailer.

This update makes transactions more secure, faster, and easier while minimally affecting retailers and their customers. You are still able to make or take purchases through the processes you are familiar and comfortable with.

New Tax Exemption Software Options:

Updates to our services have allowed up to launch a new, lightweight format of our tax exemption software called FNGTR Cloud. This slimmed-down version of our iPOS software is a low-cost and small footprint alternative for lower volume retailers or those with an existing system and limited counter space.

FNGTR Cloud provides retailers with the same secure tax exemption processes as our full system while being enabled on a tablet rather than a full POS computer system. Wiz-Tec would send out a configured tablet and printer at no charge and bill the user based on usage of the service. The retailer can always upgrade to our full system.

We continue to offer premium 24/7/365 service and support to clients on our monthly subscription to reduce downtime.

For more information regarding our gas retail, car wash, and tax exemption products, contact us at 1-866-361-7846 or visit our website at www.wiz-tec.ca.

About Wiz–Tec

Wiz-Tec is Canada’s #1 tax exemption POS provider. We serve over 300 First Nation sites across the country and are the exclusive provider for Ontario’s FNGTR program since 2008, and the exclusive provider for Quebec since 2012.