Chiefs of Ontario congratulate Glen Hare as Ontario Regional Chief Elect

TORONTO (June 16, 2021) — An historic day, the Chiefs in Ontario elected Glen Hare, former Anishinabek Nation Grand Chief and citizen from M’Chigeeng First Nation, as Ontario Regional Chief in an online traditional ceremony during the 47th Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference hosted by Grand Council Treaty #3.
Ontario Regional Chief Elect Glen Hare ran a platform based on addressing important topics such as the housing crisis, clean drinking water, economic development and advocacy for all First Nations within Ontario.
The Ontario Regional Chief is a member of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Executive Committee and the Leadership Council for the Chiefs of Ontario, which is comprised of the Grand Chiefs of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians; Grand Council Treaty #3; Nishnawbe-Aski Nation; Anishinabek Nation; representatives from the Independent First Nations; and the Ontario Regional Chief.
With the guidance and direction of the Leadership Council and the mandates set out by the Chiefs-in-Assembly, the Regional Chief’s primary role is to actively advocate to ensure Ontario First Nations’ Inherent and Treaty rights are protected, respected, and implemented, and address priority issues articulated by the First Nations in cooperation with the federal and provincial governments.
The Chiefs of Ontario supports all 133 First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction, and their chosen expression of nationhood. The activities of the Chiefs of Ontario are mandated by the Chiefs-in-Assembly and guided by the Leadership Council.
“I wish to thank everyone for their support. I am looking forward to getting to work immediately in addressing some of the most important priorities to First Nations communities within Ontario and to ensure a path toward shared prosperity that is reflective of all our Nations,” said Regional Chief Elect Glen Hare. “Remember who you work for, and I work for you, the 133 Chiefs in Ontario.”
On June 18, 2021, Ontario Regional Chief Elect Glen Hare, the Grandmothers, Elder Gordon Waindubence, and representatives of the Chiefs of Ontario Secretariat will meet to conduct the traditional Pipe and Blanket Ceremonies and Oath of Office for the Regional Chief in Nipissing First Nation, Anishinabek territory. Through the traditional Pipe and Blanket Ceremonies and Oath of Office for the Regional Chief, Glen Hare will officially take office as Ontario Regional Chief.
The Chiefs of Ontario would like to thank the following sponsors for participating in this year’s 47th Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference: First Nations Financial Management Board (FMB) and MNP, Member of Praxity, Global Alliance of Independent Firms.
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The Chiefs of Ontario supports all First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction and their chosen expression of nationhood.
Media inquiries, please contact:
Genna Benson
Communications Officer
Policy and Communications Sector
Chiefs of Ontario
Telephone: 416-523-4020