Anishinabek Nation launches new online elementary treaty education resource

ANISHINABEK NATION HEAD OFFICE (June 23, 2021) – The Anishinabek Nation has developed an interactive online treaty education resource called Ezhi-nawending: How we are related, geared towards elementary students and new learners to facilitate education on First Nations history, treaties and Aboriginal rights.
“Ezhi-nawending: How we are related. This critical teaching tool builds upon our shared history to assist and grow to understand our responsibilities and relationships,” stated Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Reg Niganobe. “We are connected through the Treaty relationships between Anishinaabe and the Canadian Nation with which we share our territory. As the importance and discussion around Treaties continue to grow, tools such as this will help everyone learn important information before joining conversations.”
Ezhi-nawending: How we are related builds on the “We are all Treaty People” elementary teacher’s kit that was launched in May 2015. That kit included the 800-piece LEGO replica of the Treaty of Niagara wampum belt. This new online resource introduces young students and new learners to topics like wampum and natural law. Comprised of 80 animation and videos as well as interactive games, learners will enjoy the vivid animation, avatars and videos. It also includes activities such as a virtual escape room, mapping, and trivia games. The Ezhi-nawending: How we are related can be found at
The Anishinabek Nation is committed to supporting clear and responsible understanding of the treaty relationship. The education and awareness of treaties made with First Nations will help Canadian citizens understand their own obligations as subjects of treaty conditions in this country.
From the June 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, recommendation #62 (Education for Reconciliation) calls upon the federal and territorial governments, in consultation and collaboration with Survivors, Indigenous peoples, and educators to: “Make age-appropriate curriculum on residential schools, treaties, and Indigenous people’s historical and contemporary contributions to Canada a mandatory education requirement for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students.” Additionally, Ezhi-nawending: How we are related is connected to the Ontario Curriculum.
“I have always thought it’s great to get our educational resources out to all schools in Ontario and across the Anishinabek Nation. It’s so important that young people learn of our history and Treaties to give them a better understanding of our plights as First Nations people,” stated Southeast Regional Deputy Grand Council Chief James Marsden. “I hope that students and new learners alike enjoy this new interactive educational resource filled with wonderful teachings from Anishinaabeg and Knowledge Keepers from across the Nation.”
The Anishinabek Nation will continue to fulfill its mandate to distribute accurate information about Anishinabek cultures, traditions, and contemporary issues.