Political Office update: Summer 2021

The first two months into this term have been a very positive start and we have become acquainted with our roles, colleagues, and the Anishinabek Nation First Nations. A dominating issue during this time has been the Residential School discoveries across Turtle Island, and in particular, within our Anishinabek Nation communities. The Political Office is actively working on providing a supportive role at the Anishinabek Nation to assist communities in working through these tragic discoveries. We have been engaged with both the federal and provincial governments to ensure financial and culturally relevant supports are provided throughout the duration of this process.
We have met as an Executive Council (consisting of the Grand Council Chief and four Regional Deputy Grand Council Chiefs), as well as Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory representative, Ogimaa Duke Peltier, three times and have been provided with our portfolios for the term. We have had many fruitful and meaningful discussions on various standing and emergent issues affecting our communities. We are off to a great start and look forward to meeting with the Leadership Council on September 23 and 24 and the Treasury Board in September as well. Our Fall Assembly date will be confirmed at that time and we anticipate that this will be the first of many discussions that will provide us with direction from the 39 Anishinabek Nation First Nations.
The Anishinabek Nation endeavours to consistently and regularly meet with both the Leadership Council and Grand Council Assembly and we will be reaching out with meeting dates and times in the near future. These meetings provide an opportunity to communicate issues, challenges, accomplishments, initiatives, or other community- or regional-specific topics. We encourage all communities to reach out to me or to their respective Regional Deputy Grand Council Chief with any issue their community may be facing.
In preparation for the upcoming Fall Assembly, several matters have been identified for discussion in each region.
Anishinabek Nation Executive Council has met with various federal and provincial government ministers in order to orient them with the new Anishinabek Nation leadership and to continue discussions from the previous leadership and initiate discussions on other issues. We have attended several meetings with Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Ministry of Indigenous Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, and Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services. We are currently planning future meetings with each of these ministries and have made requests of the Premier and Prime Minister.
We continue to provide information and support for the proposed Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement to those communities moving ahead with a Ratification Vote. We have communicated to all Anishinabek Nations who may be interested in the Governance Agreement that Anishinabek Nation is here to support them in this capacity. For the seven communities that have ratified, we continue to offer support while respecting their self-determination.
I have provided several media outlets with comments regarding the Innu Nation, Climate Report, upcoming federal election, Residential Schools, Anishinabek Nation educational resources, offensive sales material from Amazon, and U.N. International Day of Indigenous People. In addition to these interviews, the Regional Deputy Grand Council Chiefs respond to and attend various community-based events and meetings, as well as provide statements for the Anishinabek Nation social media platforms.
The Regional Deputy Grand Council Chiefs and I met with Treaty 8 (Alberta) Grand Chief Arthur Noskey in Ottawa, accompanied by Chief Wendy Jocko, Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn who welcomed them to the territory. The purpose of their visit was to greet walkers of Blinding Light Walk – Tiger Lily at Parliament Hill who walked in order to draw attention to injustices in the Indian Act and Residential Schools.
Congratulations are extended to newly elected Chiefs and Councillors throughout the Anishinabek Nation communities! We aim to build relationships with Chiefs and Councils and will be reaching out to newly elected Councils in all regions in order to provide information on the Anishinabek Nation and to hear about issues and concerns, as well as highlights of the communities.
A federal election is upon us and we encourage people to exercise their right to vote in the election. We encourage all voters to research each party platform in order to cast an informed vote on September 20, 2021
We have welcomed Political Office staff recently; Nikki van Oirschot is the Director of Policy and Giselle Aibens is the Executive Liaison. The Southwest Region has appointed its representatives to Leadership Council, Treasury Board, AN7GC Board, Kwe-Wuk Council, and other committees. The Northern Superior will soon be appointing their representatives as well. We look forward to a full complement of appointees so we can carry out directives that encompass representatives from all regions.
The Regional Deputy Grand Council Chiefs and I are willing to attend meetings in Anishinabek First Nations, respecting their COVID-19 safety protocols, restrictions, and policies. The goal is to meet with all of the Anishinabek Nation First Nations in the coming months and our Political Office staff will be reaching out to schedule these meetings. The goal is to gain valuable feedback directly from your communities so that we may better serve and advocate on your behalf.
Wishing you good health and continued safety during this time,
Reg Niganobe
Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief