Statement from Beausoleil First Nation Chief and Council on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION (September 29, 2021) – Chief and Council has issued the following statement regarding the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:
“September 30 is Orange Shirt Day and Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It is an important day for First Nations and especially for Canada. It honours Indigenous peoples who died while attending residential schools and the survivors, families and communities still affected by the legacy of the residential school system. It celebrates our resilience and affirms that every child matters.”
“All Beausoleil First Nation programs will be closed, with the exception of essential services, and we will take this day to reflect, to gather strength, and to heal. We ask that you show your support by wearing an orange shirt in honour of Indian Residential School survivors and victims. Participate and learn.”
“This is meant to be a solemn day to listen to the stories of survivors and to acknowledge our history, and to reflect on the commitments made following the discovery of the lost children whose bodies were discovered in unmarked graves on the grounds of former Indian Residential Schools.”
“The work of truth and reconciliation doesn’t end on October 1st. Continue to learn. We implore all Canadians to educate themselves on the real history of the residential schools by visiting important websites such as the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation ( and to become familiar with the 94 Calls to Action of the TRC’s final report and to encourage your MPs and MPPs to advocate for its implementation. That is what September 30th is about: educating Canadians and learning all we can about First Nations so as to not repeat history.”
Media Contact:
Joseph Stup
Communications Officer
Lance Copegog
Executive Assistant to Chief and Council
Beausoleil First Nation
Telephone: 705-247-2215
11 O’Gemaa Miikan, Christian Island, ON L9M 0A9