Political Office Update: Winter 2022

In the next few weeks, the Anishinabek Nation Executive Council will be focused on targeted advocacy considering the upcoming Ontario Provincial election. In the past few weeks, the Political Office has supported the interests of Anishinabek First Nations in the areas of Education, Health, Justice, Treaty Rights, Lands Management, and Nuclear Waste.
In the upcoming weeks, the Political office will be meeting with Ontario Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks David Piccini to finish a meeting from February 2, to speak about Drinking Water, Duffins Creek Wetland Complex, and Environmental Monitors.
The Political Office is currently in the process of developing a Justice Team whose focus will be on addressing discrimination in policing, the judicial system, and other institutions. Under development (with the assistance of an external organization) is another project entitled “the Spirit of the Land” which will seek to understand the evolving issues of land valuation in the context of new legal decisions. Additional initiatives underway include the creation of Anishinabek Nation Veterans Table and a Lobby Day planned for March 2022. The Lobby Day meeting will be virtual and the Leadership Council Executive will look to plan a larger in-person meeting in this calendar year.
The Political Office is also pleased to announce that it is now fully staffed following the addition of three new staff members in the New Year.
With varying stages of Anishinabek Nation Portfolio work being completed and the completion of staffing the Political Office team, notable mentions since the beginning of the New Year include:
- January 27: meeting via Zoom with Algoma-Manitoulin riding Member of Provincial Parliament Michael Mantha regarding the poor state and care of Northern roads
- February 7: meeting via Zoom with Indigenous Affairs Ontario Deputy Minister Shawn Batiste and various members of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation with a future meeting request of Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Minister Caroline Mulroney
- February 9: meeting via Zoom with Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario Patty Hajdu regarding a budget proposal for the Anishinabek Nation Health Transformation Project
- February 2: meeting via Zoom with Ontario Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks David Piccini and Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks staff regarding environmental assessment modernization and Ontario Parks
- February 15: Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Reg Niganobe was a testifying witness on behalf of the Chiefs of Ontario – Standing committee on Nuclear Waste Governance with the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development
The Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Assembly will be taking place from May 31 to June 2, 2022, and will be hosted by the Northern Superior Region. We encourage our citizens to save the date and join us as we share the accomplishments and challenges of the previous year and set out new goals and mandates for the upcoming year.
Following the Grand Council Assembly, the Anishinabek Nation will be celebrating the inaugural Anishinabek Giizhigad on June 6, a holiday in honour of the historic proclamation of the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin (constitution) on June 6, 2012. We encourage all Anishinabek Nation citizens to take part and celebrate the day. Celebrate the strength, beauty, and diversity within our nations and people. We also encourage our non-Indigenous counterparts to take the time to learn about our new holiday, culture, traditions and history, and celebrate along with us.
The 43rd Ontario general election will also be held on or before June 2, 2022. At this time, Leadership encourages citizens to research candidate and party platforms and cast an informed vote for a candidate that best aligns with shared values and goals. It is important to vote in this election despite being from separate nations and systems because Anishinabek citizens have a voice with the ability to influence and affect change within all nations.
The Anishinabek Nation Executive Council looks forward to continuing to serve the Anishinabek Nation and its member First Nations. Wishing all citizens good health and continued safety during this time.