Nipissing First Nation set to host 2023 LNHL Tournament

We all know that it has been an incredibly difficult two years living with this pandemic, but we hope that this good news will boost spirits and give us all something to look forward to next year. Hockey has been a huge part of our community for so long and we look forward to celebrating the return of the LNHL tournament with our families and friends from First Nations across Ontario.
“Our team is energized by this news and looks forward to hosting an incredible tournament in 2023,” said Nipissing First Nation Chief Scott McLeod. “The cancellations were extremely disappointing for everyone, but this pandemic taught us that we can’t predict what will come next. We were not willing to take the risk of hosting a huge hockey tournament that could have jeopardized the health and safety of First Nation communities across the province. It was a tough decision to make, but ultimately the right one.”
“The LNHL Executive is very excited about this announcement,” said LNHL President Marian Jacko. “Hosting this tournament for the first time after three consecutive cancellations is something we are all looking forward to. We know how important this event is for First Nations across the province and we look forward to working with Nipissing’s team to host an incredible experience in 2023.”
Usually at this time of year, many of us would be preparing to travel home from Mississauga after enjoying fun-filled days of hockey and friendship. Like everyone else, we look forward to COVID-19 being in our rear-view mirror by this time next year. We can’t wait to reunite with everyone to celebrate the spirit of hockey, community and the four pillars of the LNHL that distinguish this tournament from any other: Citizenship, Education, Respect and Sportsmanship.
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Gimaa (Chief) Scott McLeod Marian Jacko, President
Nipissing First Nation Little Native Hockey League
(705) 753-2050
Direct all Media Inquiries for Chief McLeod to:
Kimberly Salvaneschi, Executive Assistant
Nipissing First Nation
(705) 753-2050 or