Serpent River First Nation welcomes new emergency alert program

By Leslie Knibbs
SERPENT RIVER FIRST NATION— There is a new system of emergency alert system available to all members of Mamaweswen, the North Shore Tribal Council (NSTC), through their Niigaanin Services Department. The new alert system will notify community members immediately if something urgent such as severe weather advisories, missing persons, evacuations, or other significantly hazardous or important notices are required to keep people safe and secure.
The NSTC established the new system together with Everbridge Inc, a global software company that designs and implements operational response systems to critical events. According to Everbridge, the system is “to keep people safe and businesses running.”
The NSTC represents seven First Nations including Batchewana First Nation, Thessalon First Nation, Mississauga #8 First Nation, Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Garden River First Nation, and Serpent River First Nation. The service is available to all members free of charge.
At this time, Serpent River First Nation has signed on to implement the system. Residents of the communities can choose how they wish to be notified, either by a phone call, text message, or e-mail.
“This is an initiative being provided by the Niigaaniin Department within the Tribal Council,” said Serpent River First Nation Chief Brent Bissaillion following the announcement to community members. “It’s being offered to all of the seven First Nations; however, I am not sure if everyone has joined yet.”
In the past, members of Serpent River First Nation, like others, have relied on social media platforms such as Facebook or word-of-mouth to get messages out. With the new system in place, it will allow instant and effective outreach to the community during any emergency thereby keeping the community informed as well as keeping everyone safe.
“This is important for cohesive community outreach in an emergency,” Chief Bissaillion said.