Anishinabek Nation hosts inaugural UNDRIP engagement session

ANISHINABEK NATION TERRITORY— The Anishinabek Nation Legal Department conducted its inaugural United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Act virtual engagement session, the first in a series of seven sessions, on July 14.
Anishinabek First Nations leaders and citizens were invited to participate in conversations addressing themes about UNDRIP and priorities including but not limited to Lands and Resources, Economic Development, Mining/Forestry, Agriculture and Farming, and Housing.
The session started off with a welcoming by Anishinabek Nation Southeast Regional Deputy Grand Council Chief James Marsden and a recitation of the Anishinabek Nation Preamble by Elder Donna Debassige, a member of the Anishinabek Nation Getzidjig Advisory Council.
An introduction to UNDRIP was discussed and then the Waabizheshi (Marten) Dodem (Clan) session was led by Fred Bellefeuille, Anishinabek Nation Legal Department Director and Legal Counsel. The engagement session involved traditional storytelling while educating and bridging the knowledge gap between Western legal terminology and concepts and Indigenous methods or teachings that provided an understanding and resulted in gathering feedback about personal and collective injustices, discrimination, and systemic discrimination.
Individuals participated and brought forth concerns about the spraying of herbicide chemicals on lands where harvesting and hunting occur without consent or notification, nuclear wastes being stored on traditional territories within Southern Ontario and being transported through all territories, and old mine sites not having legal obligations to complete mining restoration. A participant shared traditional teachings on how the land has a spirit and when restoration is not completed, the spirit of land is being destroyed. Deep concerns about eliminating systemic discrimination within housing were also expressed. For instance, housing issues raised involved the need for more safe and affordable housing in First Nations and a deep worry surfaced about Elders/seniors, youth, and families having to relocate into towns and/or cities due to lack of housing, unsafe housing, and/or not having sufficient supports to provide services for Elders, youth, and families.
When we look at the UNDRIP Act and reflect on the complex issues, processes, frameworks and legislation, it is acknowledged that this will not be easy. However, the Anishinabek Nation Legal Department is confident that an Action Plan can be developed by the late fall. UNDRIP has now been endorsed by both Ontario and Canada. It consists of 46 articles meant to recognize the basic human rights of Indigenous Peoples along with their rights to self-determination. The Declaration provides a starting point to advance reconciliation and transformation of federal laws that will preserve and protect Indigenous inherent rights. Anishinabek First Nations have suffered many historic injustices as a result of, among other things, colonization and dispossession of lands, territories, and resources. The Anishinabek Nation recognizes that additional learning will need to occur and that further steps and actions must be taken to respect, recognize, and protect inherent rights.
The Anishinabek Nation encourages Anishinabek Nation First Nations leadership, staff, and citizens to assist in embarking on changing Indigenous history and paving a way forward towards improving the road ahead for our future generations. Citizens are welcomed to attend the upcoming virtual sessions to bring forward critical feedback and/or matters as they relate to the key aspects of UNDRIP. The Anishinabek Nation will be gathering all feedback provided on what Anishinabek would like to see in Canada’s 10-year action plan and what changes need to happen within federal legislation over the next decade. A report will be submitted to the federal government outlining feedback and identifying priorities of needed federal legislative change.
The next virtual engagement session will be hosted on August 10, featuring the Migizii (Eagle) Dodem, which involves discussions about education, culture and language, and other issues.
Other upcoming sessions include:
- August 24, 2022: Ajijaak (Crane) Dodem – Family Relations, Matrimonial Real Property (MRP), and Youth;
- September 7, 2022: Shiikenh (Turtle) Dodem – Justice, and Criminal Law;
- September 21, 2022: Maang (Loon) Dodem – Equality and Discrimination, Wills and Estates, Employment and Labour, Human Rights; and
- October 5, 2022: Mukwaa (Bear) Dodem – Health, Policing, Military, and other issues.
If you or anyone from your First Nation would like to participate in these sessions or would like to request a separate session, please contact Anishinabek Nation’s Justice Manager Kristy Jones: Virtual engagement sessions registration available here.