Koganaawsawin moving forward as a not-for-profit corporation

“We are encouraged to see this exciting progress being made in the area of child, youth, and family well-being,” states Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Reg Niganobe. “The Anishinabek Nation has been working tirelessly with Anishinabek communities to advance our own child well-being system – a system that will help our children, youth, and families to thrive.”
Through a seven-year community consultation process, the Anishinabek Nation drafted the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Law under First Nations’ inherent jurisdiction over child and youth well-being, and family unity. In 2015, the Anishinabek Nation Chiefs-in-Assembly approved the Law in-principle and directed the Anishinabek Nation to present the Law to its 39 member First Nations for their individual review and approval.
To date, with the support of Koganaawsawin, 22 Anishinabek First Nations have chosen to enact the Law in their communities. The Law acknowledges, respects, and supports the primary role of the parents, guardians, families, and communities in safeguarding and promoting the well-being of Anishinaabe children.
In June of 2021, Canada and the Anishinabek Nation signed an Agreement-in-Principle on Anishinabek Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being that supports the Anishinabek Nation in creating its own system and delivering the programs and services required to keep Anishinabek children within Anishinabek families and communities.
The Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Negotiations Team is currently negotiating separate self-government agreements with the provincial and federal governments in the area of child, youth, and family well-being. The Anishinabek Nation is working towards completing the draft agreements by December of 2022.
“Every child and youth deserves to feel safe and cared for, free from abuse, and connected to their traditions, cultures, values, and language,” states Anishinabek Nation Children’s Commissioner Ogimaa Duke Peltier. “Through the Anishinabek Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being System, Anishinabek First Nations will develop and deliver the programs and services they determine are needed to support the well-being of Anishinaabe children, youth, and families.”
Anishinabek First Nations can choose to enact the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Law at any time. Koganaawsawin continues to meet with, and support, all 39 Nations in the area of child, youth and family well-being.
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