Formal statement regarding appropriation of Mother Earth Water Walk and Josephine (Biidaasige)-ba Mandamin’s legacy

We were recently informed individuals and organizations have been using and capitalizing on Josephine (Biidaasige)-Ba Mandamin’s name, legacy, image, and likeness in addition to the Anishinaabe ceremony, Mother Earth Water Walk, to monetarily benefit and obtain credentials without consent from the Mandamin family and the principal Water Walkers she mentored.
The state of the Water crisis is so urgent, we must all do our part. While we recognize the importance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people coming together in action and raising consciousness to help protect the Water, using our deceased loved one’s name, legacy, and appropriating the Ceremony of Water Walking as a form of social legitimacy and financial gain is deeply problematic and must be addressed.
The Water Walk is an Anishinaabe ceremony, rooted in Midewiwin (Way of the Heart) Society teachings with specific protocols preserved by entrusted members. Colonization historically took Indigenous lands, identities, and languages for others’ benefit. Our spirituality was once deemed illegal, and we could be imprisoned for practising it. The appropriation of the Water Walk Ceremony and exclusion of Indigenous peoples is a continuation of such colonialism.
As a Midewiwin leader, Josephine (Biidaasige)-Ba honoured the spiritual teachings the Water Walk emerged from and took great care to ensure its integrity was maintained by her principal Water Walkers. Like other Indigenous Ceremonial practices such as the Sweat Lodge and Fasting, the right to conduct the Water Walk requires one to undergo extensive, rigorous Indigenous spiritual training and active participation in many Water Walks – along with consent to lead.
The Water Walk is not simply a physical exercise, but a ceremony with deep spiritual protocols that cannot be disregarded. While we encourage allies to work for the Water and appreciate there is a place for them within Water Walks, we respectfully direct them not to appropriate the ceremony and lead the Water Walks on their own.
Finally, Josephine (Biidaasige)-Ba Mandamin has a family: she has a husband, sons, daughters, and grandchildren. No one has the authority to use her name, legacy, image, or likeness without the explicit consent of her family. The family requests individuals and organizations who do not have their permission to immediately stop abusing this Sacred Trust.
Miigwetch (Thank You),
The Mandamin Family and Principal Water Walkers:
Melvina Flamand; Hilda Atkinson; Shirley Williams; Liz Osawamick; Tasha Beeds; Mary-Anne Caibaiosai, Dallas Abitong; Sharon Manitowabi; Thecla Neganegijig; Anang Lee Hardy; Sharon Day; Elizabeth Brass Elson; Georgie Baptiste Horton; Stephanie, Autumn, Naomi, and Ciara Peltier; Norma Peltier; Dorene Bedard; Siobhan Marks; Roxanne DeLille; Leanna Marshall; Jennifer Raspor; Tiffany Ruffett; Jennifer Bressette; Mariah Hepner; Florence Osawamick; and Joanne Robertson
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