Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services recipient of Greater Sudbury Police Service Community Partnership Award

Denise Morrow, KGCFS Executive Director; Lyle Peltier, KGCFS Family Team Gathering
Coordinator; Cst. Darryl Rivers, GSPS Indigenous Liaison Officer. – Photo supplied

SUDBURY (JUNE 6, 2023) – The Greater Sudbury Police Service (GSPS) hosted the 2023 Community and Police Awards Gala at the Caruso Club in Sudbury, Ontario, on May 17. The Community and Police Awards Gala provides the GSPS with the opportunity to honour police service members, community partners, and community members who have demonstrated leadership during incidents that required immediate intervention. They also recognize those who have supported initiatives dedicated to enhancing community safety and well-being.

GSPS recognized Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services (KGCFS) with the Greater Sudbury of Police Service – Community Partnership Award. KGCFS team member, Lyle Peltier who led the KGCFS participation at the annual “Mooz Akinonmaaget Maa Aki” moose camp, and Denise Morrow, Executive Director, accepted the award on behalf of the agency. The agency would also like to recognize other KGCFS cultural team members Jim Fox and Tammie Assinewai whom assisted with the 2021 and 2022 moose hunts.

Lyle is the KGCFS team lead in the pilot project, “Mooz Akinonmaaget Maa Aki” Moose Hunt initiative, alongside Darryl Rivers, GSPS Indigenous Liaison Officer, and the KGCFS Cultural Department. This program is a partnership between GSPS, Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre, Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services, Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services, KGCFS, CAS of Sudbury and Manitoulin District, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The goal of this initiative, currently in its third year, is to build stronger relationships between Indigenous youth and GSPS through mutual respect, cultural awareness, and inclusivity.

The program is designed to promote the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being of Indigenous youth. Each session, of the 8-10 sessions, involved youth learning with their non-Indigenous police partner/mentor about cultural teachings and the particular Grandfather Teachings in relation to a moose harvest. This successful mentorship occurs over a weekend in the fall, designed based on the traditional and Anishinabek values through the Seven Grandfather Teachings. The program supports Youth with various activities such as hunting education, firearms safety, First Aid, Tactical demonstrations, and cultural teachings.

Moving forward is a legacy component, where previous year’s participants are encouraged to reattend one session where they’ve harvested a moose and in return, plant a tree and provide guidance and mentorship to new participants. The youth that are eligible and participate in the program also earn two (2) High School credits upon completion.

Media Contact:

Jessica Orr
Public Relations and Communications Specialist
1-800-268-1899/705-370-2100 ext. 2335