National design contest for Residential School monument now open – Anishinabek News

National design contest for Residential School monument now open

National design contest for Residential School monument now open.

To recognize the atrocities that were imposed on Indigenous People in Canada through the Residential School System, Canada now annually recognizes September 30 as a day of reflection and commemoration of these tragic events. The purpose of these schools were put into place to, as Sir John A Macdonald stated, to “kill the Indian in the child”. As we move through healing and work with Canada to attempt real and meaningful reconciliation, we work towards ways to do the work that include having these difficult conversations and exchanges.

As of part Every Child Matters week in Wiikwemkoong and the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in 2024, Wikwemikong Tourism and our community partners are launching a nation-wide contest for the Wiikwemkoong Industrial Residential School monument design.

The theme for the design is “Empowering the Anishinaabe in the Child”.
The selected design will win $3,000 and will be used for a custom metal work installation in Wiikwemkoong. The contest is open to Indigenous people from across Canada. Deadline for submissions is November 15, 2024 at 11:59pm. We are asking for a minimum of three different designs. Please see graphics for full details or contact Wikwemikong Tourism at 705-859-3477 or email