The Former Chief of Dokis First Nation is still dreaming big

Councillor Chris Dokis, (at the time of the photo) Deputy Chief Gerry Duquette, Chief Denise Restoule, Councillor Roland Restoule, Councillor Derek Restoule & his son Price Restoule, and Martin Restoule on the far right at the opening of of the Okikendawt Hydro Generating Plant.– Photo by Kelly Anne Smith

By Kelly Anne Smith

The former Chief of Dokis First Nation isn’t really retiring.  Denise Restoule is now the Deputy Chief while the community has voted in favor of Gerry Duquette, Jr. to be the new Chief.

After the May 21 election, Deputy Chief Restoule reflected on her ten years as the first female Chief of Dokis First Nation.

Having worked all of her life, Denise felt that she should slow down a bit and enjoy herself. A little bird tweeted that she is an avid gardener.

“I worked on some big projects and I needed a rest, so I retired from that position. I got in as Deputy Chief, but it won’t be the same level of responsibility.”

Former Chief Restoule counts the Okikendawt Hydro Generating Plant as the biggest accomplishment of the Council during her time in office.

“It finally became a reality. It had been talked about for twenty years. It was the right time for it to happen.”

Even during the construction of the Okikendawt Hydro Generating Plant, the community insisted that the environment not suffer.

As one travels through Dokis, there is signage warning of animals crossing the road and to be aware of species at risk. Restoule says the awareness campaign started with summer projects carried out by students hired by the band.

“The students did research on the species at risk. Once we started, it got more involved. It was supported by the whole community with people watching for the endangered Blanding Turtles. They were always on people’s minds, but it was more prominent with the students putting up the signs and passing pamphlets around.”

As Okikendawt was being built, a person walked the road to watch for turtles. If one was spotted, the big rock trucks had to stop until the turtle could be safely moved across the road.

In her new position as Deputy Chief, Restoule will be working on ventures far from the Dokis area.

“We have an opportunity to work with the same developer.  They were awarded a large renewable project. We have to do the planning on it and we will be working with other First Nations on it. It’s on the Trent River. With the money from that we are hoping to build up our infrastructure to bring our people back home. As more people move back home, they’ll have business start-ups.”

Funds will be put into a Trust Fund that has been voted upon.

“If Band Council wants to access some of that funding, they would have to put in an application that will go to the Board of Directors for approval.”

Deputy Chief Restoule says Dokis is open to leasing opportunities to companies of non-members. Restoule says Dokis will also be promoting tourism as the community is situated in the French River Provincial Park.

Other Councillors voted in are: Roland Restoule, Chris Dokis, Roger Restoule and Derek Restoule.