Koganaawsawin to staff up April 1

Ronnie George, Prevention Services Officer and Stan Cloud, Child Well-Being Policy Analyst at the Anishinabek Nation, gave a presentation on Kinadinwendaagnak – All My Relations at the Child Well-Being working group meeting on October 16-17 in Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek.

By Marci Becking

BIINJITIWAABIK ZAAGING ANISHINAABEK – Social Services Director Adrienne Pelletier has big plans for Koganaawsawin.

“We want a better deal for an Anishinabek Nation with a prevention-based system,” says Pelletier to the Child Well-Being working group on Oct. 16-17 in Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek.  “It needs to support everyone in the family.  Just as Ogimaa Peltier says, ‘we won’t leave people behind’.  We need to support our parents so that they can raise themselves up.  Reignite their spirit.”

Koganaawsawin will support a prevention-based model in Ontario with a focus on customary care.

Pelletier explains that through Koganaawsawin, funds will flow directly to the First Nations.

“Agencies will continue to receive their full funding.”

To date, there are 12 Anishinabek First Nations who have adopted the Child Well-Being Law.  Pelletier says that there will be more staff hired after April 1, 2019, to get Koganaawsawin operational.

Pelletier also pitched to the Child Well-Being working group meeting the idea of having a Band Representative organization that could possibly do things such as support capacity building aimed at enhancing competency, skills development and leadership among Band Representatives.

The organization could also develop and implement service delivery standards and certify Band Representatives.

“Every First Nation should have a band rep,” says Pelletier.  “The Anishinabek Nation has been asked to host a province-wide Band Rep training session. This session will be held January 15-17, 2019, in Toronto.”

Ronnie George, Prevention Services Officer at the Anishinabek Nation, gave a presentation to the group on the draft Anishinabek Nation Children’s Bill of Rights.  George and Stan Cloud, Child Well-Being Policy Analyst at the Anishinabek Nation, also gave a presentation on Kinadinwendaagnak – All My Relations.  This committee will serve as the voice of the family members raising children of the Anishinabek Nation.  The committee will advise Koganaawsawin and provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure the empowering of those family members’ ability to provide safe, long-term care for the children.

Other presentations were given by legal counsel Tracey O’Donnell on Securing Recognition of First Nation Jurisdiction and Funding from Canada, Leanna Farr and Stan Cloud on Alternative Dispute Resolution and a Community Agreement and Community Standards update from Stan Cloud and Ronnie George.