Important values shared to girls through hockey

*Previously published in The Manitoulin Expositor.

Atom C division team travelled to Etobicoke to represent Little Native Hockey League and Wiikwemkoong at the annual Pink the Rink hockey tournament.  Abbey’s Goal is a charity created to honour Abbey Tran’s memory; the Wiikwemkoong hockey team wear the emblem on the shoulder.

By Marcia Trudeau-Bomberry

ETOBICOKE— Dressing room camaraderie, and blades hitting the ice. It is what many children across the country look forward to every hockey season. The girls who play hockey in Wiikwemkoong and girls in Etobicoke are no different.

Atom aged hockey players are nine and 10 years old, and Abbey Tran first donned an Etobicoke Dolphin Jersey when she was only three years old.  This is no different for many children on Manitoulin or across northern Ontario – when the milestone of a first skate happens early.

Abbey absolutely loved playing hockey and was so proud to be a Dolphin. In May of 2018, Abbey passed away from a sudden onset rare blood disorder. Yet Abbey impacted so many in her nine short years. She was a member of her school’s Me to We club, always looking for ways to raise awareness or funds for helping others. She spent one Christmas gathering donations for Syrian refugee families new to Canada. She made sandwiches and participated in a Street Patrol, handing them out to the city’s homeless. Abbey advocated for girls and women, for Positive Space, for breaking out of traditional ideas of what anyone had to be, based on their identities. She stood up against bullies and befriended everyone. Abbey loved art, sports and exploring the world; was silly and funny, kind and joyful – qualities that were contagious when in her company.

The hockey experience for many (though not all) girls, where house league hockey is the only option to play, is to skate along with the play and rarely touch the puck. Stronger and bigger players often carry the play. One of the few opportunities for girls to play together is at the annual Little Native Hockey League tournament. Wiikwemkoong has entered a female team in every division from Novice (seven and eight year olds) to Midget (15-17 year olds).

On October 18-20, a team of 13 girls travelled to represent LNHL and Wiikwemkoong at the annual ‘Pink the Rink’ girls hockey tournament in the Atom C division. For the girls that travelled to Etobicoke, it was a chance to play together that they would not have otherwise had until March Break. The Etobicoke Dolphins and Abbey’s Goal ensured that the girls were welcomed with open arms at the tournament, giving them a welcome gift, an opportunity to change in the Juniors dressing room, and participate in the pre-game activity before a Provincial Women’s Hockey League (PWHL) game.

Abbey’s Goal is a charity created to honour Abbey’s memory. The Etobicoke Dolphins and the families within the organization have been a pillar of support for Abbey’s family.

The girls dressed in the Jr Dolphins room before one of their games.

The Etobicoke Dolphins, Abbey’s Goal and the Little NHL were instrumental in the team from Wiikwemkoong participating in the ‘Pink the Rink’ tournament for the first time. The Dolphin’s and Abbey’s Goal provided sponsorship that covered the tournament entry fee, and most of the accommodation costs that were necessary for the trip.

The Little Native Hockey League board of directors also commissioned the creation of the first Abbey Tran Memorial Trophy to be awarded to the Atom C tournament winners, created from Manitoulin Island cedar by an artist from Wiikwemkoong, a gift from the Little LNHL, its message to “always play with lots of heart, in memory of Abbey Tran”.

Abbey’s Goal will continue to work with the Little NHL and will be sponsoring two Indigenous communities to attend the annual March tournament.

Abbey planned to change the world by doing good things, helpful things, and meaningful things – the Atom C girls are grateful to Abbey’s Goal, and say “Chi-miigwech”. The LNHL/Wiikwemkoong team finished the tournament with two losses and a tie, but as one parent mentioned, “the hockey is almost secondary here” with the girls taking in the tournament festivities, the PWHL game, and learning about Abbey and the charity set up in her honour.

LNHL Wiikwemkoong Atom Girls team:

31 Arabella Otosquiab Goalie
3 Charmaine Webkamigad
4 Taiya Gonawabi
5 Lena Trudeau
7 Alyssa Peltier
9 Carlynn Simon
10 Patience Manitowabi
11 Olive Bomberry
12 Meesah Ritchie
14 Marissa Ominika
19 Trinity Cheechoo
22 Taylor Peltier
34 Madellin Mende