Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald welcomes joint investment for water infrastructure in 37 First Nations in Ontario
TAKWA TAGAMOU NATION – On March 22, World Water Day, Ontario Regional Chief (ORC) RoseAnne Archibald welcomed the recent announcement of investment into clean water, wastewater and stormwater projects in 37 First Nations in Ontario.
“I have been a strong advocate for the Ontario Chiefs’ calls for safe drinking water and am pleased that 37 First Nation leaders were successful in advancing their water and wastewater infrastructure projects,” said ORC Archibald, who noted that 49 per cent of the announcements that were made were directed at First Nations. “As part of my advocacy work, I wrote to Infrastructure and Communities Minister Catherine McKenna after meeting with her and Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller on the need for funding for First Nation infrastructure projects in Ontario and followed up with a letter to ensure that the dire need for safe clean drinking water was met for Ontario First Nations. Further in October 2020, I made a pre-budget submission to the Ontario government calling on them to invest funding for clean drinking water and modern, efficient and reliable infrastructure for First Nations.”
ORC Archibald is pleased to see federal and provincial government partners working cooperatively to respond to the urgent need to upgrade those water, wastewater and stormwater projects as part of their work to fulfill their commitments.
“I am happy to see that both levels of government overcame their jurisdictional wrangling where clean drinking water is concerned,” Archibald said. “It is also an important milestone that Ontario recognizes that it has obligations to ensure First Nations have clean drinking water within the bounds of its province.”
This year’s theme for World Water Day is Valuing Water.
“It is fitting that this year’s theme for World Water Day is ‘Valuing Water’ as Indigenous peoples are increasingly sounding the alarm that water must be protected and that we as First Nations have a sacred relationship with it,” ORC Archibald said.
The Chiefs of Ontario is a political forum and a secretariat for collective decision making, action, and advocacy for the 133 First Nation communities located within the boundaries of the province of Ontario, Canada.
Chiefs of Ontario – Media Contact:
Genna Benson
Communications Officer
Telephone: 416-523-4020
Email: Genna.Benson@coo.org