COO provides health benefits guide

TORONTO – The Chiefs of Ontario have produced guides for First Nation members with status to learn about the health benefits they have access to...

Dilico opens Whitesand office

Dilico Anishinabek Family Care is pleased to announce the Grand Opening of the new Armstrong District Office in Whitesand First Nation, Ontario. The previous office...

Education students learn about FASD

Nipissing University Bachelor of Education students participated in ‘FASD and Interventions in the Classroom’ ,  facilitated by Union of Ontario Indians FASD worker Laura Liberty...

First Nations not sharing in mining wealth

By Marlene Bilous Anishinabek Nation workshops are creating more awareness among community members about how the mining industry is profiting from natural resources located on...

Crystal wins first Juno

REGINA—Crystal Shawanda’s Just Like You  has been selected as Aboriginal Album of the Year, winning a Juno award from the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts...

Reggie Leach wanted in Hall of Fame

Letter to the Hockey Hall of Fame re: Reggie Leach A member of the Berens River First Nation, Reggie Joseph Leach was born in 1950...

North channel home to a variety of fish

By Maureen Peltier SHESHEGWANING FN – First Nation community members fish for trout, salmon and whitefish in the North Channel of Lake Huron, but say...

Gordon gets new set of wheels

By Monique DuBray NORTH BAY – Gordon Mianscum has another new set of wheels. A brand new gurney, equipped with a shiny leather bed and...

‘Hand-y’ in Wasauksing

WASAUKSING FN – Sage Jeffries proudly displays his hand-sewn deer hide moccasins made with healthy future generations in mind.  Grade 5 and 6 students recently...