Fort William First Nation Community Garden: growing and learning together
By Rick Garrick FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION—Fort William celebrated the grand opening of its Gaa-Azhe-Anishinaabeyaayang (Back to our Ways) Community Garden on September 22, 2016,...
Book Review: Masters of Empire: Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America
Reviewed by Karl Hele Masters of Empire is a masterful work sure to annoy many scholars of early America. Instead of following the tried and...
Anishinabek Nation celebrates lifetime achievements
SUDBURY—The Anishinabek Nation 7th Generation Charity (AN7GC) hosted the 18th Annual Anishinabek Evening of Excellence, held on Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Territory at the United Steelworkers Hall...
Robinson Huron Treaty celebrations begin with International Canoe Crossing
SAULT STE. MARIE (September 9, 2016)–A gathering of the Chiefs and beneficiaries of the Robinson-Huron Treaty is underway at Whitefish Island, Sault Ste. Marie. The...
Building his future with education and culture
By Maurice Switzer NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Kirby Shipman graduated from high school the day before he “came out” as a men’s traditional dancer at...
Cultivating gardens to help cultivate food security and a healthy lifestyle
By Rick Garrick Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek—An orchard with four different types of fruit trees along Lake Nipigon has been created in Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (BZA)...
Wee Tum Ma Keh Wina Food Symposium fed the mind, soul, and body
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY—Debajehmujig Theatre Group’s Joseph Osawabine recently learned how to cook geese at the Wee Tum Ma Keh Wina Food Symposium, held...
Book Review: ‘I am not a number’ creates teachable moments
Reviewed by Carrie MacKenzie “I Am Not A Number” by Dr. Jenny Kay Dupuis and Kathy Kacer, with illustrations by Gillian Newland, details the real...
Tales of an Urban Indian: a journey of forgiveness, transformation, and redemption
By Rick Garrick IQUALUIT—Talk is Free Theatre (TIFT) kicked off its 15th anniversary season with the July 27-30, 2016, production of Tales of an Urban...
A conversation with Elder Stanley T. Peltier
By Sharla Peltier During the late winter of 2016, Nookomis Beedasige (Josephine Mandamin) announced plans for a Great Lakes Gathering at Ojibway Park in Garden...
Shingwauk Kaizhitaawaach Kakinohmaagaywigamig –Shingwauk Residential School
Shingwauk Kaizhitaawaach Kakinohmaagaywigamig Shing-wauk Ka-i-zhi-taa-waach Ka-ki-noh-maa-gay-wi-ga-ming nin-gee-a-si-goh-min pay-si-goh ka-in-ni-pahn-gi-shi-mooch Mee-ni-gee-sis. Waa-sug gee-pa-ta-gi-taa. Nin-gee-boo-zi-ni-min o-taa-baan Nakina a-ee tush nin-gee-in-na-goh-tub-bi-min way-ti Ba-wi-tig-ong. Nin-gee-i-zhaa-min way-ti pay-sig...
Ta-wish Anishinaabay –Still Anishinaabay
Ta-wish Anishinaabay O-taa-naang in-naa-bi-yung maa-ma-kaach ta-wish o-maa a-tay Anishinaabaymowin. Ka-ki-na kay-goon kaa-gee-bee-too-chi-gaa-tayg chi won-ni-too-yung Anishinaabaymowin ka-kun-na-waa-bun-daa-taa. Kun-na-waa-bun-daa-taa kay-goh-nayn ay-on-ji-gee-i-zi-way-bung. Maa-gi-zoh Anishinaabay i-noh-zi-win ay-on-ji-gee-i-zi-zayg? Anishinaabay i-noh-zi-win...
If This is The End, a play by Shandra Spears Bombay
By Barb Nahwegahbow What does a girl do when she finds out at the age of 19 that instead of being just one-eighth First Nation,...
History: Are We Destined to Repeat It?
By Beverly Sabourin & Peter Globensky “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” Although originally attributed to the Irish philosopher and politician...
June Shawanda Richard memoir launch: from silent whispers to strong, powerful voice
By Rick Garrick WIKWEMIKONG FIRST NATION—June Shawanda Richard of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, created her recently self-published book of memoirs, Silent Whispers from Within, for...