Shingwauk Kaizhitaawaach Kakinohmaagaywigamig –Shingwauk Residential School
Shingwauk Kaizhitaawaach Kakinohmaagaywigamig Shing-wauk Ka-i-zhi-taa-waach Ka-ki-noh-maa-gay-wi-ga-ming nin-gee-a-si-goh-min pay-si-goh ka-in-ni-pahn-gi-shi-mooch Mee-ni-gee-sis. Waa-sug gee-pa-ta-gi-taa. Nin-gee-boo-zi-ni-min o-taa-baan Nakina a-ee tush nin-gee-in-na-goh-tub-bi-min way-ti Ba-wi-tig-ong. Nin-gee-i-zhaa-min way-ti pay-sig...
Ta-wish Anishinaabay –Still Anishinaabay
Ta-wish Anishinaabay O-taa-naang in-naa-bi-yung maa-ma-kaach ta-wish o-maa a-tay Anishinaabaymowin. Ka-ki-na kay-goon kaa-gee-bee-too-chi-gaa-tayg chi won-ni-too-yung Anishinaabaymowin ka-kun-na-waa-bun-daa-taa. Kun-na-waa-bun-daa-taa kay-goh-nayn ay-on-ji-gee-i-zi-way-bung. Maa-gi-zoh Anishinaabay i-noh-zi-win ay-on-ji-gee-i-zi-zayg? Anishinaabay i-noh-zi-win...
If This is The End, a play by Shandra Spears Bombay
By Barb Nahwegahbow What does a girl do when she finds out at the age of 19 that instead of being just one-eighth First Nation,...
History: Are We Destined to Repeat It?
By Beverly Sabourin & Peter Globensky “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” Although originally attributed to the Irish philosopher and politician...
June Shawanda Richard memoir launch: from silent whispers to strong, powerful voice
By Rick Garrick WIKWEMIKONG FIRST NATION—June Shawanda Richard of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, created her recently self-published book of memoirs, Silent Whispers from Within, for...
Anishinaabek men speak about The Great Lakes Nibi Gathering
By Sharla Peltier The Great Lakes Nibi Gathering was held on the shore of Lake Huron at Ojibway Park, Kitigaan Ziibii (Garden River First Nation...
Hereditary Chief honoured in Aamjiwnaang First Nation
By Colin Graf AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION—Members of Aamjiwnaang First Nation have publicly honoured their Hereditary Chief for the first time. Former Chief Phil Maness recently...
Wendy Hill: second chance at life gives greater purpose of healing others
By Colin Graf AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION—With generations of First Nations damaged by the trauma of residential schools, Traditional Healer Wendy Hill sees her work as...
An-da-wayn-ji-gay-win Bi-maa-ti-si-win — Hunting Life.
An-da-wayn-ji-gay-win Bi-maa-ti-si-win. Hunting Life. Mee-gway-ch di-kit ni-ta-way-maa-gun-nug, ta-wish o-maa kaa-noh-ji-ji-gay-waach Anishinaabay A-kee-kaang, kaa-gee-maa-chaa-waach way-ti Ma-ni-to A-kee-kaang, ay-gee-wee-chee-gay-waach kay-neen chi noo-chi-too-yaan an-da-wayn-ji-gay-win bi-maa-ti-si-win. O-way an-dum to-ji-gay-win-nun...
Forging the path for healing hearts and minds during Sacred Walk
By Rick Garrick LONG LAKE #58 FIRST NATION—Former Chief of Long Lake #58, and now Elder, Allen Towegishig still gets comments from people about the...
Waasejigan Tails entertaining tales of Nipissing
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY—Waasejigan Tails had a full house in its premiere performance at Big Medicine Studio on Nipissing First Nation. The audience...
Long Lake #58 teaching the youth of today to lead the youth of the future
By Rick Garrick LONG LAKE #58 FIRST NATION—Chief of Long Lake #58, Veronica Waboose, recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Fasting and Traditional Teachings...
Call to Action #83 art exhibit: the quest for truth and hope
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO—A total of 16 artists from Simcoe County took up the quest for truth for the exhibition, Call to Action #83. Eight...
Wikwemikong’s Naomi Recollet completes internship at the world’s largest museum
By Rick Garrick MANITOULIN ISLAND—Wikwemikong First Nation’s Naomi Recollet recently discovered a deck of birch bark playing cards during her Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology...
Grand Council Chief visits Pays Plat during Northern Superior Region tour
By Rick Garrick PAYS PLAT—Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee enjoyed his first boat excursion on Lake Superior during a mid-July visit to Pays Plat. “We...