Wikwemikong duo among APTN’s Aboriginal Day Live celebration
By Jamie-Lee McKenzie WIKWEMIKONG UNCEDED INDIAN RESERVE – After releasing their first single “Drowning” in October 2014, Shayne and Taylor May are excited about their...
Pic River celebrates Aboriginal Day
Story submitted by Grade 3 & 4 students, Pic River Elementary School OJIBWAYS OF PIC RIVER FIRST NATION –The community of Pic River First Nation...
‘The Gathering’ highlights Wikwemikong talent
By Barb Nahwegahbow MISSISSAUGA – Two of the finest artists from Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve were featured on June 6 at The Gathering in Mississauga,...
Working together for art and culture
By Jamie-Lee McKenzie ROUYN-NORANDA –First Nations in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue area came together on June 7 for Dialogue Deux – an event that marks the shared...
Book review: Idle No More – a national revolution
Reviewed by Christine Smith (McFarlane) #IDLENOMORE and the Remaking of Canada is a book that kind of examines the roots of the powerful Idle No...
Honouring our veterans at Maamwi Kindaaswin Festival and Pow-wow
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY – Maamwi Kindaaswin Festival and Pow Wow Celebration 2015 — “Honouring Our Veterans,” was held on June 6, the...
Chiefs of Ontario calls for more cultural support in public schools
TORONTO, ON (June 8, 2015) — Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy is calling for more cultural support in publicly-funded schools following the release of the...
Rabbit and Bear Paws
Revisiting the site of one of the most important diplomatic meetings of Canada’s early history
By Laurie Leclair Today if you travel to the port lands in Old Montreal you’ll see the Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archeology and History Complex. This impressive...
Native Earth to only cast Native actors for Native roles
By Barb Nahwegahbow The Artistic Director of Native Earth Performing Arts, Ryan Cunningham made a commitment at a May 26 community forum that in future,...
Telling a story can begin social change
By KA Smith NORTH BAY – There is a warm, hopeful aura surrounding Lee Maracle. She hugs first, and then asks what’s up. When she...
Rockin with the Red Ride Tour 2015
By Kelly Anne Smith with Caroline Parnell NORTH BAY — The Red Ride Tour 2015 was billed as an “annual showcase of musically diverse indigenous...
Don’t give up – Dream Big!
By Kelly Anne Smith with Caroline Parnell NORTH BAY — Four days of non-stop arts activities in the 2015 Dream Big Conference has concluded with...
Building cultural bridges through art
By Donna Faye Actor Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Tonto in the “The Lone Ranger” and the ensuing controversy inspired local artist Cree Stevens to explore...
Ontario Regional Chief calls on Canadians to implement TRC recommendations
TORONTO, ON (June 2, 2015) — Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy upholds the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) and its...