North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre 15th Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow a learning treat for the senses
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY — The beat of Turtle Island at the 15th North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre’s Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow brought...
Teachings and storytelling at annual Anishinaabe Giizhigad celebrations
By Rick Garrick and Marci Becking CURVE LAKE FIRST NATION — The Anishinabek Nation celebrated Anishinaabe Giizhigad, the national holiday observed every year on June...
Ocean Bridge program ambassadors visit Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory
By Rick Garrick WIIKWEMKOONG UNCEDED TERRITORY — A group of 16 Ocean Bridge program ambassadors and four staff from across the country recently visited Wiikwemkoong...
Sheshegwaning artist creates player-of-the-game hockey sticks for 2023 IIHF Women’s World Championship
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY — Sheshegwaning artist Angela Jason recently created 25 player-of-the-game hockey sticks for the 2023 IIHF Women’s World Championship, held April...
Curve Lake storyteller keeps culture alive at storytelling festival
By Rick Garrick TORONTO — Curve Lake storyteller Mike Ormsby and Iranian-Dutch storyteller Sahand Sahebdivani highlighted the importance of storytelling during their Keeping Culture Alive...
Ontario Native Women’s Association launches new commemorative art project exhibition at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY — The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) launched the Medicine Lines of Womanhood MMIWG Commemorative Art Project exhibition at the...
Indigenous carver shares Creator’s gift with learners
By Rick Garrick FORT WILLIAM — Indigenous carver Doug Little used his carving skills to restore two carved wooden statues on Anemki Wajiw (Mt. McKay)...
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care and the Mazinaajim Children’s Foundation celebrate 5th Annual Dare to Dream Day
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY — Dilico Anishinabek Family Care and the Mazinaajim Children’s Foundation held the 5th Annual Dare to Dream Day for children...
The Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre hosts hand drum-making workshops
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY — The Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre (TBIFC) held two successful hand drum making workshops for youth and men on...
Red Rock Anishinaabemowin Boodawe Committee to continue Anishinaabemowin Language Class
By Rick Garrick RED ROCK INDIAN BAND — The Anishinaabemowin Boodawe Committee plans to continue its Anishinaabemowin Language Class in the fall after holding it...
Excitement for The Spirit Horse Returns performance reaches global scale
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY — Wasauksing’s Jodi Contin recently enjoyed performing her hand drum songs at the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra’s (TBSO) production of...
‘Indigenous Ingenuity, Timeless Inventions’ exhibition travels through Northern Ontario
By Leslie Knibbs SERPENT RIVER FIRST NATION – Science North in partnership with Indigenous Tourism is taking the exhibition “Indigenous Ingenuity, Timeless Inventions” to 20...
Cliff Cardinal’s one-man show a must-see
By Kristin Crawford TORONTO — Cliff Cardinal’s one-man show, The Land Acknowledgement or As You Like It, took me on a roller coaster of emotion....
Anishinaabe Dodemaag Teachings captivates and inspires learners
By Rick Garrick LITTLE CURRENT — Chop Waindubence shared semaa (tobacco) with a member of each clan present at the Anishinaabe Dodemaag Teachings gathering to...
B’Maakonigan and Anishinabek Nation host Anishinaabe Dodemaag Teachings
By Rick Garrick LITTLE CURRENT — Building an understanding of the Anishinaabe Dodemaag System of Governance was the focus of the Anishinabek Nation’s Anishinaabe Dodemaag...