M’Chigeeng First Nation expands Ngwaaganak Program

M’Chigeeng First Nation (September 17, 2019)— Lakeview school is expanding their Anishinaabemowin Immersion Program. Ngwaaganak has expanded to another grade this year at Lakeview school....

A journey of learning and teaching

By Brian Wright-McLeod TORONTO— It is only within living memory that Indigenous people have entered and excelled in the halls of higher education. As many...

Inspiring internship broadens horizons

By Brian Wright-McLeod BKEJWANONG— McKenzie Dorn, a young Anishinaabe man from Bkejwanong (Walpole Island First Nation), travelled to Colombia through the International Aboriginal Youth Intern...

Pays Plat hosts national youth program

By Rick Garrick PAYS PLAT FIRST NATION—Pays Plat recently hosted a group of 40 Ocean Bridge program youth from across the country who participated in...