Youth are ‘leaders of today’ GCC Madahbee on Beausoleil Youth Council
By Rick Garrick Beausoleil’s newly organized Youth Council is looking to build a new youth centre in the centre of the community of about 700...
Women support and recognize women in business through awards
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY—Red Rock Indian Band Elder Norma Fawcett and the other New Beginnings Circle members were recognized with the PARO Fundraising Circle...
Anishinabek advance the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) December 3, 2016 – Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee says that he is proud of the Anishinabek Nation...
First Nations people encouraged to get involved in studying law at Lakehead University
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY–Red Rock Indian Band’s Gilbert Deschamps is looking to get more Indigenous people involved in studying law at Lakehead University’s Bora...
Reconciliation starts in North Bay
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY—The Truth and Reconciliation Commission gave 94 recommendations for Canada to attempt to mend the horrible history of Indian Residential...
‘One of the biggest benefits is…control over education funding’ states Red Rock Indian Band Chief Wawia
By Rick Garrick RED ROCK INDIAN BAND—Red Rock Indian Band Chief Edward Wawia says control over education and assistance for post-secondary students are key reasons...
Professor explains the basics why we are all Treaty People
By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY—As Ontario unveiled the first ever Treaties Recognition Week, historian Dr. Catherine Murton-Stoehr gave an easy to understand lecture on...
Local author’s commitment to Truth & Reconciliation
Submitted by Robert Wells Robert Wells is a local author who has been receiving praise for the past few years for his book Wawahte, now...
Aamjiwnaang approves its Chi’Naaknigewin
By Rick Garrick AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION—Aamjiwnaang has approved its Chi’Naaknigewin of Aamjiwnaang constitution with 140 of 158 voters casting a ballot in favour, 13 voters...
AES will ‘bring positive change to the education system itself’ says Fort William Chief
By Rick Garrick FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION—Fort William Chief Peter Collins says self determination is a key reason for his community to sign on with...
Residential School story ‘Wawahte’ on crowd-funding for translation help
By Carrie MacKenzie KINGSTON – Robert P. Wells, author of the book “Wawahte” and John Sanfilippo the director and producer of the documentary film on...
‘It’s a step in the right direction in regards to self-government’ says Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Chief
By Rick Garrick OJIBWAYS OF THE PIC RIVER FIRST NATION—Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Chief Duncan Michano says self-government and control over education are key reasons for his...
Treaty Learning Centre open for education in Treaty relationships
By Kelly Ann Smith NORTH BAY—The RBC Treaty Learning Centre was launched at the Education Centre Library during Nipissing University’s Indigenous Week. The Treaty Learning...
High School teachers kit helps reconciliation in the classroom
OSHAWA (November 7, 2016) – Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee along with the Ontario Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation David Zimmer officially...
Voters have chance to cast ballot at information session
By Kelly Anne Smith NIPISSING FIRST NATION—It’s getting to be crunch time for the vote for the new Anishinabek Education System (AES). With the end...