Teachers learn to teach treaty relationship
By Marci Becking NIPISSING FN – Teachers from the North Bay area had the opportunity at the end of March to have hands-on training of...
Anishinaabemowin: Anishinaabay Worldview
Anishinaabay In-na-bi-win-nun Anishnaabay Worldview Anishinaabaymowin waa-bin-ni-kaa-tayg ween-gay neem-boh kaa-wuni-to-min. Kaa-wuni-to-min o-taa-naang gaa-gee-pee-i-zhi-way-bung. A-zha ki-won-nee-kay-min Anishinaabaymowin kaa-i-zhi-ni-kaa-tay-gin Anishinaabay zee-been, saa-gay-i-gun-neen, a-ee tush kay a-keeng ka-gee-i-zhi-ta-yung way-sh-kuch....
ONECA launches newest Transitions Project: Supporting students through video tours
TORONTO – The Ontario Native Education Counselling Association has been a leader in creating Transition tools and supports to assist FNMI students making their way...
Wheels to Lambton
By Marina Plain AAMJIWNAANG – April 1 was a great day for advancing First Nation student success while also breaking transportation barriers at Lambton College....
Brock partners with Weengushk for film certificate program
A new partnership between Brock University and Weengushk Film Institute is opening doors for students studying on Manitoulin Island. Starting in September, Brock is offering...
Anishinaabemowin: Indian control of Indian education
Anishinaabay In- na-goh-ni-gay-win chi Ti-bayn-da-mung Anishinaabay Ki-kayn-daa-so-win Indian Control of Indian Education Ki-ta a-gin-daan sha Mi-sko Man-zi-nay-i-gun. An-dum Anishinaabayg gee-o-zhi-bee-i-gay-wug, kee-na-quay-o-zhi-bee-i-gay-wug chi-ween-da-maa-gay-waach a-neen ka-in-nayn-dum-mo-waach O-gi-maa...
Anishinaabemowin: Anishinaabay Education
A-nishi-naa-bayg Ki-kayn-daas-so-win Anishinaabay Education A-nishi-naa-bayg, ka-ki-na ki-ta-way-maa-gun-ni-gaan-nung gee-bi-maa-ti-si-waach o-maa Mis-ko-tay-si Min-nising. A-nishi-naa-bay-mowin ay-ta gee-noon-ji-kaa-tay, kee-a-ba-chi-chi-gaa-taa A-nishi-naa-bayg kaa-i-sh-taa-waach. Ka-ki-naa a-way-nayn A-nishi-naa-bay o-gee-nis-si-so-taan-naa-waa. A-neen dush kaa-i-zhi-naa-gong o-way...
Shawanda, university role model, path in education leads to a PhD
By Laura Young SUDBURY – A stubborn streak and a love of theory-based learning are the unique combination keeping Amy Shawanda rooted to a path...
Two teachers leave big footprints
By Maurice Switzer The soft snow I see falling outside my window on this late March day will make a warm blanket for two fallen...
Anishinaabemwowin: The People of the Land Nation Treaty #9
Nish-naw-be Aski In-naa-ti-si-win-un: In-na-goh-ni-gay-win Zhaan-gas-wi A-nishi-naa-bay In-naa-bi-win. A-nishi-naa-bay In-na-goh-ni-gay-win-nun ta-wish a-tay-won-noon o-maa A-nishi-naa-bay a-keeng. Ki-chi-a-yaag A-nishi-naa-bayg ta-wich kaa-ki-kayn-daa-mo-waach A-nishi-naa-bay-mo-win ween-na-waa o-ki-kayn-daan-naa-waa, ta-wish maa-mi-kum-mo-wug a-neen kaa-i-zhi-zaag...
Ending violence with the Moose Hide Campaign
Students from Cambrian College launch the initiative to end domestic abuse against women and children By Sarah Kaelas SUDBURY – “I grew up seeing violence...
Reasons we say Boozhoo
A-nishi-nabay Ka-kit-to-win-nun Boozhoo. Ki-kaa-waan-naan-daan nah koo-ding a-neen-di kaa-on-gee-ma-gung o-way A-nishi-na-bay ka-ki-to-win; “boozhoo”? A-way-nayn neesh A-nishi-na-bayg ay-nun-gosh-ko-daa-ti-waach, “Boozhoo” i-kit-to-wag. Pay-shig a-way-nayn nin-gee-ween-da-moh-wig kaa-goh-nayn-dush a-on-ji-aa-ba-chi-too-yung o-way boozhoo...
Bucket List and a role model: hanging out with happy people can lighten the education load
By Laura E. Young SUDBURY – It’s a case of who you know that can make for a smoother journey through university for Sheila Cote-Meek,...
ONECA expanding on Aboriginal Student Transitions project
By Rick Garrick The Ontario Native Education Counselling Association recently shot videos at Lakehead University, Confederation College and Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute in Thunder...
Alumni Native Access Program at Lakehead brings people together
By Rick Garrick Fort William Councillor Michele Solomon and her sister Rachelle Johnson shared their education paths at the Lakehead University Native Access Program Alumni...