Master Education Framework Agreement to be signed in November
By Marci Becking SAULT STE MARIE — Newly-elected Kinomaadswin Education Body board members discussed the education agreement with Ontario at their first face-to-face meeting since...
TRC Commissioner hopeful with new government
By Colin Graf AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION — One of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners is hopeful the new Trudeau government will make efforts to improve...
Elementary students cast vote in federal election
By Colleen Toulouse SAGAMOK ANISHINAWBEK – Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik saw 63 students in Grades 4 to 8 cast their first ballots in a parallel federal election...
Moose Deer Point honours and supports Orange Shirt Day
MOOSE DEER POINT FIRST NATION – Students, First Nation staff and daycare staff in Moose Deer Point honoured Residential School Survivors on Orange Shirt Day...
CIES students ‘Going M.I.L.E.S.’ against bullying
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION – Grade 6, 7 and 8 students from Christian Island Elementary School (CIES) recently learned how negative words can...
Anishinabek citizens demand enhanced education and training opportunities
By Joey Krackle Education and training were critical Anishinabek concerns during discussions with the Nipissing-Timiskaming electoral candidates at the Oct. 5 Nbisiing discussion. Education is...
York University has successful Aboriginal Student Services
By Barb Nahwegahbow Randy Pitawanakwat is a trailblazer and he’s good at it. This citizen of Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve was appointed as York University’s...
Christian Island Elementary School celebrates Terry Fox
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION – This week Christian Island Elementary School joined thousands of other people in schools and communities across Canada to...
Educating the educators in Serpent River
By Leslie Knibbs Serpent River First Nation Daycare and Education Department hosted a day-long workshop and evening presentation from Dr. Jean Clinton, renowned author and...
Kinomaadswin Education Body board of directors selection underway
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) – A new Kinomaadswin Education Body Board of Directors will be selected in the upcoming weeks. Two persons from each of...
Inauguration of the Dbaajmawak Indigenous Writers Series
By Heather Campbell SUDBURY – It was standing room only at the inaugural event for the Dbaajmawak (They are telling stories) Indigenous Writers Series at...
The Archeology Project – students dig it
By Kelly Anne Smith NIPISSING FIRST NATION – The Archeology Project has had a second successful year. Employing youth to work with a professional archeologist,...
Ipperwash: like it happened yesterday
By Maurice Switzer Time can play tricks on us. What seems like a hurry to some is a snail’s pace to others. We want enjoyable...
Sharing, learning and healing a big part of Pays Plat cultural week
By Rick Garrick PAYS PLAT FIRST NATION – A residential school sharing circle was one of the highlights during this year’s Pays Plat Cultural Week,...
Coming full circle: 20 years since the Ipperwash Crisis
By Monica Virtue For many Canadians, the 20th anniversary of the “Ipperwash Crisis” may be the first time they hear the name Dudley George. For...