Young scientists in the making on Christian Island
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION – Students at Christian Island Elementary School recently had an opportunity to participate in workshops presented by ‘Scientists in...
Alternative Legacy: 25 years of creating high school grads
By Laura E. Young SUDBURY – The hope had been to release butterflies at the N’Swakomak Friendship Centre Alternative School graduation in June. But the...
‘We deserve a place at the table’: Noakes
By Barb Nahwegahbow MISSISSAUGA – Kris Noakes doesn’t mince words. A citizen of Nipissing First Nation who’s lived in Mississauga for the last 30 years,...
Resources on Indian Residential Schools available online, in print
UOI OFFICES – Since the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Report earlier this month, many are seeking resources on the history of the Indian...
In conversation with Dr. Mike DeGagné
By Kelly Anne Smith Dr. DeGagné is the first Indigenous university president in Canada. Dr. DeGagne is President and Vice-Chancellor of Nipissing University in North...
Pic River celebrates Aboriginal Day
Story submitted by Grade 3 & 4 students, Pic River Elementary School OJIBWAYS OF PIC RIVER FIRST NATION –The community of Pic River First Nation...
‘The Gathering’ highlights Wikwemikong talent
By Barb Nahwegahbow MISSISSAUGA – Two of the finest artists from Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve were featured on June 6 at The Gathering in Mississauga,...
Pic Mobert walks the talk, makes education its number one priority
By Mary Laronde Pic Mobert First Nation is making its education its number one priority, and it shows. It shows in the clean and tidy...
Of tradition and technology: Douglas Cardinal receives an honourary doctorate from Laurentian University
By Laura E. Young Sudbury – Douglas Cardinal turned to a computer designed for war in order to design a building in harmony with people...
Aglukark’s path brings honourary doctorate, food for the North
By Laura E. Young SUDBURY – The act of writing led Susan Aglukark to commercial success in her music career and now sees her building...
Indigenizing psychology
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – About 120 people gathered on May 28 to hear Indigenous academics experienced and trained in both traditional cultural ways and...
Chiefs of Ontario calls for more cultural support in public schools
TORONTO, ON (June 8, 2015) — Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy is calling for more cultural support in publicly-funded schools following the release of the...
Enbridge looking for an ‘Indian Whisperer’ says Laduke
By Shirley Honyust LONDON — Winona Laduke, an Indigenous woman of Ojibway heritage, was born in 1959 in Los Angeles, raised in Ashland, Oregon, and...
Building cultural bridges through art
By Donna Faye Actor Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Tonto in the “The Lone Ranger” and the ensuing controversy inspired local artist Cree Stevens to explore...
Anishinabek Nation takes a giant leap forward to having own education system
First Nations across the Anishinabek Nation territory have made the commitment to support the Anishinabek Nation’s Education Agreement. As of June 3, a total of...