Bringing treaties into the classroom
By Marci Becking SUDBURY – Former teacher and fluent Anishinaabemowin speaker Gloria Oshkabewisens welcomed some 140 educators and principals to the Miigwewin education conference by...
Pic River youth learn more about life from the land
By Rick Garrick Pic River’s Lucas Michano-Courchene and a group of nine 14-19 year-old youth learned more about life on the land in Pukaskwa National...
Over 1,000 earrings sought for ‘Blanket of Hope’ project
By Marci Becking NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Union of Ontario Indians staff have started a “Blanket of Hope” that represents the Spirit of the Humans...
McGill launches Indigenous Studies undergraduate program
By Karl Hele After more than a decade in the making, on Dec. 10, 2014 McGill University officially launched its minor undergraduate program in Indigenous...
‘We don’t all learn the same way’ says Pelletier
By Rick Garrick Wikwemikong Elder Josephine Pelletier (nee Webkamigad) credits summer studies at the University of Ottawa, innovation and fun activities in the classroom for...
Land use important to our self-determination
By Rick Garrick Lake Helen’s John Carlson is conducting a traditional land use study on hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering activities in his Robinson Superior...
Remember who you are and where you came from
By Christine Smith (McFarlane) THUNDER BAY – Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, citizen of the Chippewa of Georgina Island First Nation and says “I have some Mohawk...
Lafleur first Aboriginal PhD for Brock University
By Esther Lafleur Gilbank Please join me in congratulating my sister Gail Lafleur. We are daughters of Evelyn Goulais Lafleur of Nipissing First Nation. Gail...
Ontario student wins Forest Products Skills Award for aboriginal youth
WINNIPEG – The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) has awarded the third annual Skills Award for Aboriginal Youth to Shownoo Blackbird-Williams from Walpole Island...
Land is from where the knowledge comes
By Rick Garrick FORT WILLIAM – A group of Fort William First Nation youth recently helped reclaim the sugar bush environment on Mt. McKay, a...
Domtar makes book donation to Shawanosowe School
WHITEFISH RIVER FIRST NATION – Shawanosowe School received an entire skid of new books from Domtar on December 8. Representatives were on hand from Domtar...
Being out on the land encourages youth to become involved
By Rick Garrick Pic Mobert’s Hannah Desmoulin is looking to get youth from her Robinson Superior community more involved with activities on the land. “I’m...
AEI student winner of the Skills Award for Aboriginal Youth
MUNSEE-DELAWARE – The Anishinabek Educational Institute would like to congratulate Shownoo Blackbird-Williams who is this year’s recipient of the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)...
Survey aims to identify gaps, help Aboriginal people better manage money
By Laura E. Young What do you know about money? And, more importantly, what don’t you know about money and making wise financial decisions? The...
Rotarians build bridges through Honouring Indigenous People innovation
By Andre Morriseau Senior Manager, Awards and Communications – Canadian Council For Aboriginal Business(CCAB) Rotary has been making history and bringing the world closer together...