Kids have fun learning about treaties
Special to Anishinabek News NORTH BAY –Learning about serious topics like Canada’s treaty relationship with First Nations doesn’t have to be boring. “I thought it...
Cookbooks a recipe for colonialism
By Marci Becking MONTREAL – Marie-Anne Gagnon says Canadian cookbooks have been a tool for colonization. “Very few recipes actually have an Aboriginal reference in...
Rez 91 helps Amy study story-telling
By Vince Chechock WASAUKSING FN – Amy “Zeeb” King is the first recipient of Rez91’s Story Teller Bursary, a fund established by Wasauksing’s community...
Public education on First Nations history essential: Beardy
TORONTO, ON (JUNE 19, 2014) — Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy is wishing everyone an enjoyable National Aboriginal Day taking place June 21 and...
KTEI completes first 20 years
By Kelly Crawford M’CHIGEENG FN – Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute is 20 years closer to achieving its goal of providing life-long learning to Anishinabek Nation...
Education signing kicks off school pow-wow
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FN –The renewal of the Education Services Agreement with the Simcoe County District School Board kicked off the fifth annual Christian...
AFN Chiefs in Assembly in support of alternative education resolution
Ottawa, ON (May 27, 2014) — The Assembly of First Nations Chiefs-in-Assembly voted in favour of an alternative education resolution put forward by Chiefs from...
Feds can’t be trusted on education: Madahbee
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing First Nation) May 26, 2014 – First Nations leaders are gathering in Ottawa to discuss how to move forward on creating an...
Chiefs crafting response to condemned education bill
OTTAWA – The fate of the federal government’s widely-condemned First Nations education legislation will be in the hands of Chiefs gathering in Ottawa May 27....
Rolling the dice on our education
An open letter about why the First Nations Education Act harms First Nations By Chief Shining Turtle, Whitefish River First Nation Aanii, hello, to all...