OPINION: Immigrants? It must be tough!

By Peter Globensky and Beverly Sabourin Travelling through the United States, we have been hard-pressed to find any news on any media that does not...

Saying yes to the AES in Toronto

By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – It’s taken 20 years for the Anishinabek Nation to negotiate with Canada the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement. The Agreement establishes...

Introducing yourself – Nun-gish-goh-daa-ti-naa-win-un

Nun-gish-goh-daa-ti-naa-win-un Boozhoo. Eli Baxter nin-di-zhin-ni-kaaz. A-goh-keeng nin-don-ji-baa. Attick ni-to-tum. Way-ti noo-pi-meeng nin-gee-ni-taa-wug. Ni-maa-maam-ibun, ni baa-baam-ibun, ni-ko-kom-ibun, ni-mi-shoo-mis-ibun, aee tush ka-ki-na-sa ni-ta-way-maa-gun-nug ningee-om-bi-gee-min A-nishi-naa-bay a-keeng way-ti...

Truth and Reconciliation in Education

By Nicole Latulippe TORONTO – “Reconciliation is not an Aboriginal problem; it is a Canadian one”. Those words by Justice Murray Sinclair prompted a discussion...